You Will Laugh Out LOUD When You See Which ABC Show Is Fundraising for Hillary — IRONY

Is Hillary just laughing in the faces of Americans with this move? Check out who is happily fundraising for Hillary, the middle of her Email-gate scandal. Is this ironic or intentional?
The cast of Scandal, including President Fitzgerald Grant, will host a fundraiser with Hillary Clinton in DC next week, and it will feature the cast of Hillary Clinton’s own top scandal: her Chappaqua bathroom email server.
According to Variety, the fundraiser will take place next Wednesday, and tickets range from $250 for a single attendee to $1,000 for a “friend.” If Hillary’s bundlers wrangle more than $5,000 in donations for the event, they are designated as “co-hosts” and get to attend a special meet and greet with the Scandal cast.
It’s not unusual for Shonda Rhimes, Scandal‘s creator, to be raising money for a Democratic candidate. She’s starred in Clinton campaign ads, she’s raised plenty of money for Democrats, and she even invited Clinton to spend a day on the set of Scandal in February.
What is unusual, is that the self-indulgent Clinton campaign failed to recognize the implications of having their scandal-ridden aides appear alongside Scandal stars. Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan are the two highest-placed Clinton aides connected to her email scandal.
Read more: Heatstreet