HELLO: Look WHO Was At Trump’s Rolling Thunder Rally… No Word From CNN
You are definitely not going to know this by watching CNN or MSNBC. Take a look at who showed up to Trump’s rally on Sunday afternoon.
Donald Trump drew wild cheers and considerable press attention Sunday afternoon during his appearance in Washington at the annual “Rolling Thunder” gathering of veterans and others on motorcycles at the Lincoln Memorial.
While many in the press assumed that the group cheering on Trump were natural Republican supporters of the GOP’s now-certain presidential nominee, I found that this was not necessarily universal.
Many among Rolling Thunder, in fact, were Democrats and registered independents who may be casting their vote for a Republican for the first time in years.
“I’m a Democrat and I’m voting for Trump,” U.S. Army veteran Roger Rollins of Clarksburg, West Virginia told me.
When I asked whom he voted for in ’12, Rollins shot back: “I sure didn’t vote for that black guy in the White House. I didn’t like either of the Bushes, and I don’t want Hillary Clinton. I don’t trust her at all.”
Read more: Newsmax