When You See How Much Hillary’s NEW Hire Likes to Say “F*CK”, You’ll Say WTF?!
It’s a well-known fact (and therefore denied along with the rest of reality by liberals) that Hillary Clinton was perhaps the worst Secretary of State in modern history. All of which resulted in hardly any military response. But now, as reported by Breitbart, if Hillary’s latest campaign hire is any proof, we know the one bomb a Clinton administration will aggressively employ.
Happily for America’s foreign enemies, it’s only the F bomb.
The Clinton campaign announced Jess McIntosh as their new Director of Communications Outreach. Based on McIntosh’s twitter account she seems especially eager to reach out and communicate an awful lot of “Fucks”.
Well, it certainly is for the puffer fish.
Look, I know I’m supposed to sit here and bash all things liberal, and as a proponent of, ahem, fucked up organizations like Planned Parenthood, Ms. McIntosh certainly qualifies for my target practice. That said I kind of appreciate the unapologetic vigor and candor with which a Director of Communications verbally blasts her message. It’s like a fire hose filling fill a baby pool.
The real underlying message in all of this, of course, isn’t that Hillary Clinton’s Communications Director uses a bad word (complete with fake gasps from beltway know-it-alls and Sunday talk show hosts). The real message here is that Hillary most likely hired McIntosh precisely because she thinks she’s a hip, trendy bad-mouther who will connect with both the majority of Millennials who prefer Comrade Sanders and will steal some clicks away from all the aggressive headlines Trump commands.
It’s classic Hillary. We’re dealing with a person who leveraged the political career of her husband to gain unelected power as Bill’s Health Care Tsar in the 90s, then again, to get elected to the Senate. She’s cornered Obama to appoint her Secretary of State after a messy fight for the nomination in 2008 despite not really having the qualifications. We all know how that turned out. The point being is Hillary has a history of hiding her own lack of inherent abilities and awareness by manipulating other people’s achievements to get what she wants.
Appointing Little Miss F Bomb is simply Hillary’s attempt to overcome her reputation as being unable to connect with the common voter. She’s doing this the only way she knows how: by reading the political land map as determined by other people- specifically Sanders’ and Trump’s and now lamely aping their successful bluntness.
When it comes to DC, Hillary should just do what her new hipster communications pit bull did previously…