Tucker Carlson RIPS Into Glenn Beck After Facebook Meeting, “He Was Auditioning to Be…”

Tucker Carlson was less than pleased with Glenn Beck’s behavior at the Facebook meeting that Mark Zuckerberg hosted with conservatives. He rips into the #NeverTrump radio show host for his “assiduous suck up” to the Facebook owner.
On Fox and Friends he was more vague about his comments:
Tucker Carlson: Some of the conservatives there asked tough questions, others sucked up, basically.
Steve Doocy: Like who?
Tucker Carlson: You know, well known talk show host who you think would be asking tough questions who said things like, “You’re such an innovator. You’re such an impressive guy.”
Steve Doocy: Now who said that?
Tucker Carlson: Oh, come on, you could imagine.
But later on he really ripped into Beck. According to Politico…
Daily Caller editor-in-chief and Fox News contributor Tucker Carlson is not happy with how Glenn Beck acted at the Facebook meeting for conservatives this week.
In an interview, Carlson blasted the radio and television host, saying he was sucking up to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.
“I went to that meeting expecting Beck to cry, rend his garments while quoting James Madison, but that’s not at all what happened. He began the most extended assiduous suck-up I think I’ve ever seen a grown man commit. He acted like he was auditioning to be Mark Zuckerberg’s manservant — it was awe-inspiring,’ Carlson said. “I don’t know what his agenda is; it’s either he’s looking to put his tanking Web properties up for sale or he just can’t help himself. There’s a billionaire there, so he sniffs the throne.”