FULL RETARD: UT Students Are ‘Pro-Dildos & Anti-Gun’ – Their Parents Must Be SO Proud (WATCH)
This History major/Government Minor should ask for a refund. She lives in America but doesn’t understand the point of the Second Amendment.
Among her baseless arguments (like ‘good’ teachers who won’t accept teaching jobs on open-carry campuses) she makes the ridiculous argument that guns on campus make women less safe from rapists.
Watch the idiots on parade here:
From the comments:
An interesting note on College-Aged Concealed Permit holders:
This cuts to the heart of the left’s argument that passing Campus Carry means more guns in the hands of more allegedly irresponsible college-age people. As Everytown for Gun Safety put it, “You think your drunk, college-age daughters are bad with their phones? Imagine them with guns.”
But just as Colorado’s Campus Carry history serves as empirical evidence to the contrary, so too revocation records for college-aged concealed permit holders in a Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) study show that college-age concealed carry permit holders are often more law-abiding that permit holders in higher age brackets.
…“None of the 18 to 20-year-olds in Texas who were granted such a permit have ever had it revoked.”
Regarding Michigan, “college age permit holders who are 21 and 22 have a lower revocation rate than 25 to 34 year olds and a very similar rate to 35 to 44 year olds.”
Of the three states CPRC studied most thoroughly for college-aged concealed carry permit revocations–Michigan, Nevada, Texas–Nevada was higher at approximately 0.17%, which is still less than one-fifth of one percent. Michigan was approximately 0.13% and Texas approximately 0.6%.
Read more: Brietbart
Going back to her ‘less safe from rapists’ idea, consider this:
All those sex toys she’s handing out were not free. They were donated. By whom you ask?
Before Wednesday, Lopez and Jin hope to hand out most of the 4,300 toys they’ve gotten from Hustler Hollywood, pornographic film company Shane’s World, Smile Makers (the Singaporean outfit), local Austin sex shop Dreamer’s and Austin-based artist Janice Weeks, who donated 170 ceramic phalluses she sculpted for her 2003 dissertation.
…“A lot of people tend to think this protest is just a silly way to say, ‘oh, I hate guns.’ But the message really needs to be communicated,” said Lopez, who helps head UT’s Students Against Campus Carry. “We’re fighting absurdity with absurdity.”
Dallas News
So, these students hate guns which are used responsibly and actually deter rape, but they were glad to work with porn sites.
Not only does the porn industry have a horrible record of mistreating women. (Explict link) But Elizbeth Smart — kidnap and rape victim — has some thoughts on what REALLY drives rape.
Enjoy your little publicity stunt ladies. But don’t tell yourselves that you’re actually doing something ‘good’.