RAPED FOR 9MOS: Elizabeth Smart Relives Abduction – BLAMES This For Fueling Captor’s Lust
THIS commonplace thing made her “living Hell … worse.”
Smart recounts her captivity with amazing strength and poise.
She describes how her captor and wife cooperated in her abduction.
Fight the New Drug an anti-Porn movement has released a moving video of Elizabeth Smarth’s horrific 9-month ordeal.
The life lesson for ALL of us that she took away from this ordeal?
“Looking at pornography wasn’t enough for him. Having sex with his wife after looking at pornography wasn’t enough for him. And then it led him to finally going out and kidnapping me. I can’t say that he would not have gone out and kidnapped me had he not looked at pornography.
All I know is that pornography made my living Hell … worse.”