WATCH: Democrats DISMISS Voter Fraud Possibilities – THIS Video Proves IT … IS … REAL!
Caught on camera! Naturally, CNN will pretend this video does NOT exist.
The networks are donating their services to Hillary’s campaign. We know that already. But part of the “aid and comfort” they give her involves editing which stories are newsworthy. For example, These stores about voter fraud either doesn’t exist or are somehow “an anomaly”.
A separate Pew survey in 2012 found that one out of eight voter registrations is inaccurate, out-of-date, or a duplicate. Some 2.8 million people are registered in two or more states, and 1.8 million registered voters are dead.
In New Hampshire, [James O’Keefe] found it was easy to vote using the name of a dead person. In North Carolina, political operatives encouraged his undercover associates to vote even if they were non-citizens.
Last week in Michigan, O’Keefe struck again, testing the state’s voter-ID law, which allows non-ID holders to vote if they merely fill out an affidavit claiming they are who they say they are. Such affidavits are almost never checked. Using this ruse, O’Keefe told different poll workers he was Detroit mayor Mike Duggan, Wayne State University Law School dean Jocelyn Benson, and columnist Nancy Kaffer of the Detroit Free Press — all whom strongly oppose voter-ID laws. In each case, poll workers offered him primary ballots for the person he was claiming to be. He was also offered the ballot of legendary Michigan rapper Eminem, whose real name is Marshall Bruce Mathers III. In all but one sting, the poll workers offered him a ballot, though he never actually accepted a ballot or cast an illegal vote.
(Read the Rest: National Review)