WICKED & HILARIOUS: Brutal Anti-Hillary Ad Is UPSETTING Hillary’s Campaign – So SPREAD It!
What kind of feminist gives a disgusting, sex-crazed pig a pass? Hillary-the-Feminist doesn’t say much about Bill’s philandering.
The media won’t touch it, but Trump is reminding everyone about Bill’s serial womanizing and so should you!
Share this brutal Anti-Hillary ad EVERYWHERE!
Donald Trump’s philosophy is never to use a scalpel when a meat ax is available, and so it is with his attack on the Clinton scandals of the 1990s. And yet, in slamming Hillary as Bill’s “enabler” and daring to invoke the allegation of rape against Clinton, Trump is again demonstrating his unsurpassed ability to needle his opponents and expose their vulnerabilities.
Hillary Clinton’s self-image as a feminist champion has always been at odds with her political partnership with a serial womanizer. Hillary tends to get a pass, because the 1990s were long ago, the media often scold anyone who brings up the scandals, and most politicians hesitate to talk about someone else’s marriage. Unconstrained by these boundaries, Trump is hitting her with his characteristic abandon…
…Hillary’s defenders say this is tantamount to blaming her for Bill’s infidelities. Of course, she’s not responsible for his philandering. But as a fully vested member of Bill’s political operation, Hillary had as much interest in forcefully rebutting allegations of sexual misconduct as he did.
The Clinton campaign in 1992 reportedly spent $100,000 on private-detective work related to women. The approach, when rumors first surfaced, was to get affidavits from women denying affairs — the reflex of most women is to avoid exposure — and, failing that, to use any discrediting tool at hand.
Read more: National Review
Is Bill's philandering fair game in this election?
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