BULLSH*T: 1st They Said He Was, ‘READING A Book’ – Now They Say, ‘BRAIN Damage’ Meant He Couldn’t …
Scott was ‘reading a book’ according to his family, but the police say he was ‘rolling a joint’ in his car and had a gun. Now the experts are saying it’s a brain injury. What do you believe is the truth?
All this information coming out about the Keith Scott shooting is dizzying.
It wasn’t a book, as the Official Police Report shows.
A joint was found at the scene, along with a gun and an ankle holster.
(Are we the only ones wondering if that joint was the ‘medication’ his wife was screaming about?)
But, there just has to be another reason:
According to Joanne Finegan, the chief executive of Pennsylvania-based ReMed, which treats brain injuries, the symptoms can range from changes in your personality to balance issues and slurred speech.
She said that brain injuries affect each person differently but in stressful situations people with a TBI can become ‘confused, fearful and just trying to process what was going on’.
Finegan, who has spent 33 years treating patients with brain injuries, said that clinical reactions to stress among those with a TBI have included becoming overly emotional and being unable to control themselves.
Others can ‘act out because they don’t know how to use their coping strategies to manage that kind of stuff’, she said.
Finegan said that patients can spent their whole lives getting over a brain injury and that less than a year like Scott was not much time.
Speech and listening are commonly affected and Scott may have problems processing language.
Finegan said: ‘Sometimes with TBI patients people say that the person did exactly the opposite of what they asked them.‘The problem is they didn’t understand what they asked for’.
She added: ‘I don’t want people to think that all brain injuries lead to anger management issues. I really can’t stress enough that each brain injury is unique to the individual and their symptoms are going to be related to that’.
Read more: Daily Mail
Then there is the matter of Scott’s criminal record:
Scott had a long police record that included gun violations. Christian Times Newspaper has learned, and it has been confirmed by the Charlotte Observer, that Scott was convicted in April 2004 of a misdemeanor assault with a deadly weapon charge in Mecklenburg County, and other charges were dismissed: including felony assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, assault on a female, and communicating threats. Scott was also charged with assault with intent to kill in 1995.
The most shocking find in Scott’s record, however, is what occurred in Bexar County, Texas in 2005. In March of that year, Scott was sentenced to 15 months in state prison for evading arrest, and in July, he was consecutively sentenced to seven years on a conviction of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
Sources are now coming forward and alleging that those two separate convictions are in fact related, and they both have to do with a confrontation between Scott and Bexar County Police in early 2005.
One source, who asked CTN to refrain from using her name to protect her identity, told reporters that Scott fired a handgun at San Antonio police officers when they attempted to detain him in February 2005 after noticing that he was driving erratically. (Scott had a history of drunk driving, according to court records).
Allegedly, as the officers approached Scott’s black Ford sedan, he fired two rounds from the driver’s seat and then sped away. Neither of the officers was hit, and they proceeded to give chase and detain Scott several blocks away.
While Scott did leave the gun in his passenger’s seat when he attempted to run on-foot, he did, according to our source, assault one officer by punching him in the face.
Read more: Christian Times Newspaper
(Emphasis added)
If this is the case, one burning question remains:
Why did a man with a Traumatic Brain Injury, who, according to experts may be ‘unable to control’ himself, and had shot at officers in the past, have a GUN?
Doesn’t that bother anyone?