WATCH: Franklin Graham Just BLASTED Black Lives Matter – They WON’T Like His Advice
Franklin Graham, not shy about commenting on cultural issues, weighed in on Facebook about recent shootings involving the police. He posted some great advice, then wrote THIS that will make BLM howl…
Check it out:
From The Blaze:
Evangelist Franklin Graham, the son of famed Christian leader Billy Graham, on Sunday weighed in on what is arguably the most controversial cultural topic in recent years — the issue of police shootings — and he didn’t mince words…
“Just do what the officer says!,” Graham wrote. “If they say ‘Stop,’ then stop. If they say, ‘Lie down,’ then lie down. If they say, ‘Put your hands up,’ then put your hands up.”
Even if you feel the officer is wrong, Graham still advised to follow instructions and “don’t argue.”
“That doesn’t mean mistakes aren’t going to be made, but heeding this advice may save your life,” he said. “No matter what our skin color, we all bleed red.”
“We’re all human beings created by God—and every life matters,” Graham concluded.
(Emphasis added)
So, what do you think?
Is Franklin Graham right?
Would the number of shootings diminish if everyone just listened to the cops when they were given orders?