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News Clash

HE’S SO GROSS: Reporter Gets SICK During LAST Obama Presser (Video)

Lady… we feel your pain. But there’s good news … that was his LAST Press Conference.

Yes, you guessed it. Obama’s swan song was upstaged by nausea.

It all worked out, a doctor eventually showed up.

But Obama had to interrupt his questions and wait awkwardly for medical help to arrive.

(Does Obamacare cover White House Doctor visits?)

How terribly appropriate that after 8 years of shoving an agenda down America’s collective throat, that it should all end with an impulse to vomit.

That’s OK. Just think of November 8th as America administering a tablespoon of syrup of ipecac. A short period of discomfort will be followed by an expulsion of the offending problem.

Share if hearing Obama’s ‘eloquence’ makes you feel the same way.