YES! Thousands Petition College To FIRE The Idiot Whose Lame Lover BULLIED Ivanka & Kids
Hey, Democrats! FYI: actions have consequences. This guy is learning the hard way.
So why fire the husband of the guy that harassed Ivanka?
Because he was the one that was tweeting about the incident. His initial braggadocious tweet was suddenly softened when his family was kicked off of the plane.
A petition is calling for the New York university that employs the urban studies professor whose husband accosted Ivanka Trump on a plane last week to fire the man from his job.
Over 5,000 people have signed a petition asking Hunter College to remove Matthew Lasner from his position in the administration for his ‘immature and cruel harassment of Ivanka Trump and her family at JFK airport.’
The petition was created by the group Right Wing Millennials.
‘Someone like Mr Lasner, who would harass a mother and her child simply trying to go about their day, does not deserve the honor of teaching,’ reads the petition.
‘The fact that he tried to cover up and change the story around to avoid the consequences of his actions is also a testament to his character. He is NOT a good example for our youth.’
Read more: Daily Mail
Click here for the link to the petition.
Ivanka, her husband Jared Kushner and their three children were on a JetBlue plane when Lasner’s husband, Dan Goldstein accosted her. He was agitated and loud asking why she was flying commercial and not private.
Ivanka tried to ignore him and attempted to distract her children. JetBlue staff intervened and removed Lasner, Goldstein and their son off the plane.
Here is the initial tweet by Lasner:
Here is what he later tweeted:
The man sitting in front of Ivanka wrote this account:
…Marc Scheff, the man who was sat in front of Ivanka and with his young son and seemed to be minding his own business when Lasner snapped his photo.
He wrote: ‘He didn’t accost her directly. When he got on and saw her, sitting behind me, he said “oh my god. This is a nightmare” and was visibly shaking.
‘He said, “They ruin the country now they ruin our flight!” (Context: Boarding and therefore the flight was delayed because they needed to get on first through some other way)
‘He did not yell. He was also not what I would describe as calm. Agitated maybe. His husband behind him was very calm. His son is adorable and sharply dressed.
‘When the JetBlue staff went back to speak to the man I overheard Ivanka say to them “I don’t want to make this a thing.” My assessment is that she was happy to let the man take his seat. Security made a different call.’
Scheff later wrote: ‘Honestly, if I was her security I would have made the same call. I don’t _think_ the man was capable of violence, sure. But I would worry that he would leave his seat or cause a scene in some way.
‘And his husband had tweeted that he planned on doing that. So, again you know my politics, but I would have made the same call here.’
Scheff later added about Ivanka: ‘She handled the situation calmly and with class.’
See here for the original report by ClashDaily.
Related: DENNIS MILLER: ‘To The Guy Who HARASSED Ivanka & Her Children … Go F-CK Yourself’
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