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News Clash

WATCH: Trump SLAMS Madonna & SNL Chick Who ATTACKED His Son

They asked for interviews? Trump’s giving interviews. He even got candid.

The president sat down with Fox’s Sean Hannity on Thursday to appear on his namesake show, his second interview since taking office last Friday.
He blasted NBC’s Saturday Night Live and a ‘terrible’ attack by one of its writers who said his 10-year-old son Barron would become the ‘country’s first homeschool shooter’.
Urged for his view by Hannity who commended Barron as a ‘wonderful, smart, charming kid’, President Trump said it was ‘terrible’ he’d been subject to attack.
‘Saturday Night Live, a person from Saturday Night Live was terrible.
‘I don’t mind some humor but it’s terrible. For them to attack, for NBC to attack my 10-year-old son…it’s a disgrace. He’s a great boy. And it’s not an easy thing for him. Believe me.’

How ironic is it that, only a short time after Melania Trump said she wanted to take up the issue of cyber-bullying, we see the President’s own ten-year-old son singled out by ‘adults’ in the media who should know better.


He also addressed Madonna and a spate of celebrities who took part in protests against him held across the country last weekend.

At a Washington DC march, Madonna told crowds she’d considered ‘blowing up the White House’.
‘Honestly, she’s disgusting. I think she hurt herself very badly. I think she hurt that whole cause,’ President Trump said of the singer’s unhinged outburst.

‘I thought her and a couple of others. But I thought she was in particular, I thought what she said was disgraceful to our country.’


She was disgraceful. Then again, she used to wear ridiculous cones on her chest. Disgraceful was basically her marketing strategy from day one.

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