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WATCH: Travel Ban Protesters Asked WHY No ‘Extreme Vetting’ – They DEFINITELY Went To Public School

Earlier this week, a bunch of students walked out of class to protest President Trump’s Temporary Travel Ban. Fox News host, Jesse Watters interviewed a few of them. It’s SHOCKING.

The protest was organized over Facebook, and many high school students attended. Unfortunately, it seems many didn’t have a clue what exactly it was that they were protesting.

If this doesn’t turn you off public school, nothing will.


…most of the students, who ditched their classes to march against Trump in Manhattan’s Foley Square, seemed to have very little knowledge of what the executive order actually entailed, Fox News reported.

“Which nations are on the travel ban list?” Watters inquired of one student.

The student, clearly unsure of what to say, uttered: “Well, as of right now, I’m not completely sure about the actual countries.”

Other class-skipping students claimed the ban targeted Lebanon and Afghanistan — neither of those countries is outlined in the executive order.

When the Fox personality asked one female student why she wouldn’t want to see potential visa applicants or refugees “extremely vetted” before they enter the U.S., she wondered why the government would want them to be screened in the first place.

“Why should they be extremely vetted?” she asked Watters, who replied, “Because [the countries in the ban] are havens of terrorism.”

“America’s a haven of terrorism,” the student quickly shot back, offering no explanation for her inflammatory claim.
Read more: The Blaze

This is all just stuff and nonsense.

Many teachers have been openly hostile to President Trump.

These kids are swallowing the leftist ideology that the teachers, the celebrities, the Media (D) are selling them.

And I don’t know about you, but if there was a chance to walk out of my high school math class, man, I am there!

They can carry their ‘Punch a Nazi’ signs and shout ‘this is what Democracy looks like’, but in the end, they are just political pawns for the left.

My closing argument is this: The student who didn’t even realize that he agreed with President Trump’s ‘extreme vetting’:

Watters: “Do you believe in borders?”

Student: “If you’re cool and all, you’re coming in to help me, I’m cool with that. But you’re not coming here to mess things up.”

Watters: “So don’t you wanna check to see if someone’s ‘cool’ before you let them in?”

Student: “Well, of course, you always wanna check. That’s why we have our airports.”

Watters: “And that’s why we want extreme vetting.”

Student: “Of course, of course.”

Watters: “So you do agree with the Trump ban.”

Student: ——-

Here’s a Pro-Tip for all those would-be activists out there — it’s a good idea to understand what it is you’re protesting.

Otherwise you look like an idiot on camera.

Share if you think that teachers should be giving students information to make their own choices, not teaching them ideology

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker