WTF? Guess Who’s Behind A Bill to FINE Men For … MASTURBATING?!
Leave it to a Democrat to introduce a ‘FAP’ tax.
Oh, look! Another man-hating feminist. Democrat, right?
What. A. Shocker.
This poor, misguided woman actually believes the Pro-life movement is motivated by a desire to control women, rather than to save the life of the child she’s carrying.
But then, getting beyond talking points isn’t a Liberal strong suit.
Texas Rep Jessica Farrar is trying her hand at humor — the poor thing — in proposing this legislation to tax men’s sexual behaviour.
(This could get comically awkward for her if a clever reporter were to ask if there is an exclusion for homosexual males — and why or why not?)
Here’s a quick snippet of her Wiki bio for context:
Jessica Christina Farrar is a United States politician and a Democratic member of the Texas House of Representatives. She was first elected to the Texas House of Representatives in 1994 at the age of 27, and she is the longest serving Hispanic member from Harris County in the Texas House of Representatives.
Farrar currently serves as the Vice-Chair of the House Committee on Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence and is a member on the House Committee on State Affairs. In addition, Representative Farrar serves as the Chairwoman of the Texas House Women’s Health Caucus. During the 82nd Legislative session, she served as the Leader of the Texas House Democratic Caucus.
She’s got a grand plan to ‘stick it to the man’ for ‘legislating’ about women’s bodies.
A Texas state representative has introduced legislation that would fine men for masturbating and require them to undergo counseling before obtaining a prescription for Viagra, in an effort to highlight anti-abortion laws that place restrictions on women.
The legislation introduced by state Rep. Jessica Farrar (D) would impose a $100 civil penalty for “masturbatory emissions” that take place outside of a woman’s vagina or a hospital. Each incident would be “considered an act against an unborn child, and failing to preserve the sanctity of life,” the bill reads.
Farrar’s measure – which she dubbed “satirical” — would allow doctors to refuse to conduct vasectomies, write prescriptions for Viagra or perform a colonoscopy if those actions violate the doctor’s personal, moral or religious beliefs. Patients would be required to wait 24 hours before a procedure is performed, and doctors would be made to read a state-printed booklet, “A Man’s Right To Know,” to the patient.
Doctors would also be required to perform a “medically-unnecessary digital rectal exam” and an MRI before performing vasectomies or colonoscopies or before prescribing Viagra.
We get it. You’re aggressively anti-life. You want abortions on demand and without apology. To Hell with that old lie you folks USED to trot out about ‘safe, legal, and rare’. We’re LONG past pretending they want that. You’re bold enough to stop sugar-coating it.
Democrats ‘care’ about women’s health and safety? Really? And the media?
Where were either of you when some dead young minority women needed you to speak up for them?
We remember how many reporters (didn’t) show up at the Kermit Gosnell Trial. Because your side was more committed to protecting the industry than to speaking up for the women who died getting ‘care’ in his squalid little abortuary.
Do ‘normal’ abortion clinics emphasize health?
They’re being run like sketchy used care dealerships, by the sound of it.
Planned Parenthood workers THEMSELVES say that they use quotas and hard selling techniques for ‘closing the deal’ on abortions.
Do we expect they will suddenly prioritize a woman’s ACTUAL medical well-being? Isn’t it just about hitting an abortion target?
You can bet that someone working with monthly abortion targets won’t be bringing up many unpleasant details like the statistical ones listed here. Elevated risks of cancers, suicide, having a child with a handicap in future pregnancies? Nah, that kind of talk hurts sales. They use carefully sanitized, Orwellian language. If they accidentally humanize the baby she carries, they will won’t get the ‘sale’.
Some of us are still stubborn enough to think that that unique DNA within that womb is DISTINCT from the mother who is carrying it, and that makes it a human rights issue. For the unborn child with no voice. And we are speaking up for THAT unique human life. When others won’t.
Sperm — as Farrar would understand if she had a basic grasp of biology — is NOT a genetically unique human life. A ‘fetus’ on the other hand, is genetically identical at the moment of conception to the born-alive child that would be delivered a few short months later.
We speak up for that new life. Because we value it more than Democrats do.
It’s a LOT like what we did when you Democrats supported Jim Crowe.
…and opposed School integration.
Massive resistance was a strategy declared by U.S. Senator Harry F. Byrd, Sr. of Virginia along with his brother-in-law as the leader in the Virginia General Assembly, Democrat Delegate James M. Thomson of Alexandria,[1] to unite white politicians and leaders in Virginia in a campaign of new state laws and policies to prevent public school desegregation, particularly after the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision in 1954.[2] Many schools, and even an entire school system, were shut down in 1958 and 1959 in attempts to block integration, before both the Virginia Supreme Court and a special three-judge panel of Federal District judges from the Eastern District of Virginia, sitting at Norfolk, declared those policies unconstitutional.
As always, on human rights issues…
Democrats were wrong and missed the point then.
Democrats are wrong and missing the point now.
For the record, we would LOVE to see you look a homosexual in the eye and tell him there will be a hundred dollar fine for any orgasm that doesn’t ’emit’ into a uterus.
Can somebody get that on camera? That would be fantastic.
Hey, Jessica. Here’s a nickel. Go buy yourself a clue.