YO, CNN: The Numbers Are In And It Appears That The U.S. Thinks You’re FULL Of…
CNN hasn’t shied away from being partisan. Their on-air personalities have pretty much lost it since November 8. They’re even becoming the news themselves.
There was that beautiful moment when President Trump told Jim Acosta that CNN was ‘Fake News’.
(That is never going to get old.)
ClashDaily reported about a federal judge finding CNN guilty of pushing ‘fake news’.
Well, according to this poll, American viewers think that CNN ‘reporting’ is…
A YouGov poll shows that CNN falls behind MSNBC and Fox News in brand perception, the Daily Caller reports.
The poll asked respondents, “If you’ve heard anything about the brand in the last two weeks, through advertising, news or word of mouth, was it positive or negative?”
Of the three cable networks, Fox News was the only network to score a neutral brand perception. CNN and MSNBC both scored negative on brand perception.
“CNN’s negative acceleration point happened in mid-October 2016, around the time Anderson Cooper interviewed Melania Trump, notably discussing her husband’s famous ‘Access Hollywood’ tape,” YouGov’s Ted Marzilli notes.
“Also at that time, a local North Carolina Republican office was firebombed, causing conservative-leaning media to pounce on CNN for suggesting Trump’s rhetoric spurred the incident.”
Read more: Breitbart
President Trump calls out CNN and the ‘failing’ New York Times on their ‘fake news’ regularly:
FAKE NEWS media knowingly doesn’t tell the truth. A great danger to our country. The failing @nytimes has become a joke. Likewise @CNN. Sad!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 25, 2017
CNN has made ‘mistakes’ while covering President Trump that consistently put him in a bad light.
Like when they fell for the ‘Fake News’ of the Russian hookers.
They didn’t seem to have the same trouble with President Obama for 8 years.
It looks like Americans are catching on to the crazy CNN anti-Trump bias.