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News Clash

CLASH POLL: Are You SO HAPPY Melania’s The 1st Lady And NOT Bill Clinton?

This would be a very different scene if Bill were the First Lady, wouldn’t it?

We have often been seeing Trump sitting opposite a world leader for the traditional photo op. And in some cases, we see Melania sitting opposite her counterpart in the frame as well.

We see such an instance, here.

She is the very picture of poise and elegance in this photo, as she is in so many.

Can you imagine how this would change if Bill were FLOTUS?

Do you think that foreign leaders would be content to let their wives be hosted with Bill? Could he even be trusted not to eye them the way a hungry dog looks at a steak?

How long would it be before Bill triggered an international incident?

We’ve got Melania, someone who clearly knows how to conduct herself with class and decorum.

We managed NOT to have Bill Clinton in that role.

Share if NOT having Bill as FLOTUS is (nearly) as awesome as NOT having Hillary as POTUS.