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DEAR AMERICA: How HAPPY Would You Be If The New FBI Director Went After Hillary?

Would you love to see THAT happen?

During the election, there were many times that Trump supporters chanted ‘Lock Her Up!’ all over the country.

Even former FBI Director James Comey said that if it hadn’t been Hillary Clinton, charges would have been laid.

The Obama Justice Department was horribly corrupt and after the Tarmac chat between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton, there just wasn’t going to be a prosecution of Hillary.

So, now that the other things have changed — New Justice Department with Attorney General Jeff Sessions at the helm, spotlight hog Jim Comey ditched, should Hillary be investigated properly?

How happy would that make you?

Rate it on our ClashDaily™ Happiness Scale.

Would you be angry like Maxine Waters calling for Trump’s Impeachment?

I’m just so angry!

Would you be sad like Cryin’ Chuck with his fake tears?

Look at the evidence of my sadness pouring from my eyes!

Would you be clueless like Nancy ‘Nuttier Than A Squirrel Turd’ Pelosi?

Umm… what was the question?

Would you be cool on the outside but thrilled on the inside like Vice President Mike Pence?

Play it cool, boys.  Real cool.

Would you be satisfied that Justice is finally being served the way you imagine Trey Gowdy would be?

BleachBit, people!  She used BleachBit!

Or would you just be thrilled to bits and tweet out your joy everywhere?

Crooked Hillary needs to be locked up!

Read these Related ClashDaily articles:

CLASH POLL: Are You HAPPY Comey Got Canned?

LMAO: Colbert Audience APPLAUDS Comey Firing – Watch Little Steve’s Reaction

QUESTION: Who Should Replace Corrupt Comey As FBI Director?

Share if you’d love to see Hillary facing the music

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker