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DEAR LIBERALS: You Claim Most Budget Cuts Are Cruel, Immoral, Or Dangerous — How About THESE

Over the past few days, liberals have been up in arms over the proposed budget cuts by the Trump Administration, with comments ranging from cruel to immoral to claims that people will die. In actuality, these so-called budget cuts are attempts to cut spending within the federal government.
As I mentioned in previous articles, there are various government departments, agencies, boards, commissions, corporations, etc. that can either be sold, abolished, or transferred to state or local governments, hence the slogan “Cut Spending and Start Selling.”
Here is a list of government corporations, foundations, etc. that can be sold (based primarily on their budgets):
African Development Foundation: $163 million
Amtrak (a.k.a. National Railroad Passenger Corporation): $1.4 billion
Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation: $1 million
Broadcasting Board of Governors (a.k.a. International Broadcasting Bureau, a.k.a. Radio and TV Marti): $752 million
Corporation for Public Broadcasting: $445 million
Farm Credit Insurance Corporation: $73 million
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC): $2.2 billion
Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation: $55 million
Institute of Museum and Library Sciences: $228 million
Inter-American Foundation: $28 million
James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation: $1 million
Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission: $20 million
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts: $140 million
Millennium Challenge Corporation: $3 billion
Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation: $3.3 million
Overseas Private Investment Corporation: $22 billion
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): $20 billion
National Endowment for the Arts: $146 million
National Endowment for the Humanities: $168 million
National Science Foundation: $7.5 billion
Northwest Power and Conservation Council: $12 million
Peace Corps: $410 million
Smithsonian Institution: $1.2 billion
Social Security Administration: $9.2 billion
Stennis Center for Public Service Leadership: $1 million
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA): $5 billion
United States Agency for International Development (USAID): $27.2 billion
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: $105 million
United States Postal Service: $6 billion
United States Trade and Development Agency: $60 million

Here is a list of government departments, agencies, boards, etc. that can be abolished (based primarily on their budgets):
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: $605.9 million
Corporation for National & Community Service: $1.1 billion
Department of Education: $68 billion
Department of Energy: $27.9 billion
Export-Import Bank of the United States: $234 billion
Federal Election Commission: $80 million
Federal Energy Regulation Commission: $346.8 million
Federal Reserve System: $4.525 trillion (capital & assets combined)
Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission: $9.8 million
Internal Revenue Service: $11.4 billion
Legal Services Corporation: $375 million
Office of Social Innovation & Civic Participation: $50 million
Postal Regulatory Commission: $15.5 million
Small Business Administration: $170 million
Transportation Security Administration: $7.55 billion
Vietnam Education Foundation: $5 million

Here is a list of government entities that can be transferred to state or local governments (with their budgets listed as well).
The Commission on Fine Arts ($2.18 million), National Capital Planning Commission ($7.95 million), and the Court Services & Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia ($140 million) can be transferred to the City of Washington, D.C.
The Presidio Trust ($121 million) can be transferred to the City of San Francisco, while the Denali Commission ($14 million) can be transferred to the State of Alaska.

As a result, nearly $6 trillion can be eliminated from the national debt. I should add that I do not see this solution as cruel, immoral, or leading to anyone dying.

photo credit: cafecredit Piggy-Bank version 1 via photopin (license)

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Andrew Linn

Andrew Linn is a member of the Owensboro Tea Party and a former Field Representative for the Media Research Center. An ex-Democrat, he became a Republican one week after the 2008 Presidential Election. He has an M.A. in history from the University of Louisville, where he became a member of the Phi Alpha Theta historical honors society. He has also contributed to and Right Impulse Media.