WATCH: Asst Principal CURSES Out Pro-Life Students – Guess WHO School Punishes

Is it REALLY a good practice to hire someone as volatile as this as an Assistant Principal?
An assistant principal at Downingtown STEM Academy in Pennsylvania was caught on video harassing and threatening young pro-life students. A video published April 26 shows 16-year-old Conner Haines and his 19-year-old sister Lauren holding up pro-life signs on a public sidewalk near the high school. Assistant Principal Zach Ruff is shown yelling and cursing at them, cursing Jesus Christ, and admitting he is “gay as the day is long.”
The high school has placed Ruff on administrative leave following the incident, issuing the following statement:
We have begun a thorough investigation into this unfortunate situation and have placed the staff member on administrative leave. We do not condone or support the conduct expressed in the video and are deeply disappointed that this incident occurred. His conduct does not represent the values of the school district or the respect we expect our employees to show for the civil rights of others. This has now become a personnel matter, and we must follow the policies and procedures that we have in place concerning staff issues. We truly apologize to all for the actions of this employee. — ChurchMilitant
He’s a REAL charmer.
“Shut your mouth and do not talk to my students. You don’t have permission to SPEAK and engage.”
The full video is 18 minutes long. Notice which side keeps their cool, giving rational arguments for their position, and which side attacks with violent outbursts.
He made sure he got RIGHT in their face and wagged his finger in their faces as he said that.
It seems he didn’t care for the Pro-Life signs that some teens put up on a public space. So he positioned his large posterior between the signs and the passers-by.
He was ‘protecting’ HIS students, you see.
He told these teens they could go to Hell. And also made it explicitly clear what EXACTLY he thought of their Christianity.
He made some of the boilerplate weak and rebuttals. “They’re not people, they’re cells.”
He threatened to call the police for — get this — harassing HIM.
But HIS offense was more important than their freedoms.
Isn’t that the Left’s problem summed up in a nutshell right now?