BREAKING: Unfortunately Kathy Griffin Is Back – She’s Now Accusing The Trumps Of THIS

This woman is un-freaking-believable!
Here is the FULL press conference:
Remember, this was the same classless woman that blamed Sarah Palin for the shooting in Arizona of Gabby Giffords.
But taking an ISIS propaganda-style photo shoot holding the head of the President?
That’s ‘totes kewl’.
It’s those damned ‘far-right’ fanatics, eh?
Or the ‘Punch a Nazi’ antifa crowd that interrupt Trump rallies and get voilent?
What about the freaking Rodeo clown that lost his job for donning an Obama mask?
Wait a minute. She’s an employee of CNN. (Or at least she WAS.) That makes her part of the same media network that has embarked on a relentless campaign of personal destruction of everything Trump, facts be damned. They can be provided later.
Nobody MADE her connect with CNN, but she did. That puts her in a different category than your typical freelance comic. She’s now part of the ‘most trusted name in news’, and open to all the same criticism of dishonest journalists.
She’s part of the same network that bullied a Rodeo Clown — a freaking RODEO CLOWN! — into both sensitivity training and — when that wasn’t enough — unemployment. His crime? Wearing an Obama mask.
Destroying one man’s livelihood over a mask? That’s what bullying looks like, Kathy. You’ve got other money to fall back on. You even bragged about millions of followers. Anyone with two brain cells can find a way to leverage that into an income, whatever else may come.
She claims she’s being bullied by a President who is trying to destroy her. Wow. That’s Melodramatic even for a (former) CNN employee.
Maybe she wasn’t paying attention when Obama and Anderson Cooper called a Conservative activist group ‘Tea-baggers’ which is a vile reference to a sexual act you won’t learn about in Health Class. Is having a President and ‘Journalist’ do that to the American Electorate ‘bullying’? No? Then how about turning the IRS against a specific Political Party.
No. You are willfully blind to anything Obama can do. Because you work worked for CNN.
Back to Gabby Giffords, has Kathy forgotten what SHE said about Sarah Palin?
So… Sarah Palin was somehow ‘responsible for’ some whackjob shooting Gabby Giffords. Nobody was to take that as a metaphor for areas of special focus for campaigning.
And the whackjob was a leftist.
Like Griffin.
But the SAME public that was ‘so easily swayed’ by Sarah’s post is NOW supposedly sophisticated enough to understand that Kathy’s act was somehow High Art and social commentary.
Even though her ‘art’ resembled — very closely — the specific acts of people America is now at war with. Even though there is a LONG history of American Presidents being the specific targets of violence. Even though Leftists have recently declared violence against Conservatives (who are now fashionably called Fascists) is perfectly acceptable.
It’s fashionable even to wish to see the White House blown up. But we’re supposed to call what she does ‘art’.
It’s not ‘edgy’ to do the thing that everyone else is doing, Kathy.
You did it to jumpstart your now-dead career because you wanted to be ‘In’ with the ‘In Crowd’.
The ‘I’m-With-Her’ fanatics that can’t deal with an election loss.
And the ‘I’ve picked on lots of Presidents! Like Bush and Clinton!’.
Yeah, but not Obama, right? No, because you’d be called a racist, just like the people who disagreed with his policies.
Here’s why this is a problem, you knock-off, low-budget Joan Rivers wannabe.
Lots of people are calling for ‘joking about’ assassination.
If something were to happen to President Trump, would you be held accountable for your ‘art’ as a catalyst just like you wanted Sarah Palin to be held account for her election strategy visual?
Look at the long list of calls to assassinate President Trump that ClashDaily has reported on since the Election:
TWITTER: ANGRY Dems Call For Trump’s ASSASSINATION On Social Media
WTF: CEO of Cyber-Security Co. With Ties to CIA Threatens To ASSASSINATE Trump
TWITTER TWIT: Leftist ARRESTED For Threatening to ASSASSINATE Trump On Social Media
Facebook DECLINES To Delete “ASSASSINATE Donald Trump” Page
TWITTER: ANGRY Dems Call For Trump’s ASSASSINATION On Social Media
BREAKING: Wannabe Trump Assassin Was Here ILLEGALLY And His Mother WARNED Authorities But …
AIDS Infected, Charlie Sheen, Asks God To KILL Trump – Brace For KARMA, Charlie!
HEY, CNN: A Friend Of The CLINTONS Is ARRESTED For Threatening To KILL Trump — Is THAT News?
UNHINGED: MADONNA Says She’s Thought Of ‘BLOWING UP The White House’ — Then Gets THIS News
DISGUSTING: Times ‘Journalist’ Calls For The ASSASSINATION Of Trump
BREAKING: CEO of Major Guitar Amp Company THREATENS Trump Assassination- No Word From CNN
BREAKING: Black ‘Comedian’ Tells 15k People To ASSASSINATE President Trump – Isn’t That ILLEGAL?
REVEALED: Buzzfeed’s Private Chat Shows Employees JOKING About Assassinating Trump
And this ‘artistic joke’:
BOOM! Kathy Griffin Gets INSTANT KARMA!
Because #LoveTrumpsHate