Dear NeverTrumpers: Trump Signs VA Accountability Act – How Will You Disparage That?
Since the media (D) finds the dark cloud for every silver lining … how are they going to spin the VA Accountability Act as ‘bad’?
The hyper-critical media have to work hard to do that.
Becuase the bipartisan legislation is actually pretty good.
To the Verardos, the moment will signal a promise kept.
“We’ve been fighting for VA reform and accountability, and we feel that it was championed under candidate Trump. We got to know him, his family, and learned how important VA reform was to him,” Sarah Verardo said. “We are really excited. I’m so relieved and glad to see this.”
After three years of attempting to pass similar legislation, Congress sent the VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017 to Trump on June 13.
Shulkin, many veterans and other supporters of the bill said it will serve to root out poor-performing employees and a perceived culture of corruption in the department, which is the government’s second-largest with approximately 350,000 people on its payroll.
…More than a dozen large veterans groups spoke in support of the bill.
Under the current disciplinary process, it takes an average 51 days to remove an employee, largely due to a 30-day notice period, Shulkin said. — Stars And Stripes
Local Veterans Groups Praised it:
The VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act won Congressional approval Tuesday.
The House cleared the bill, 368-55, replacing an earlier version that Democrats had criticized as overly unfair to workers. The Senate passed the bipartisan legislation by voice vote last week. It will go to Trump later this week for his signature.
Ernie Rumbsy, president of the Tri-Cities Military Affairs Council, and American Legion Commander Bryan Louzon said they support the legislation that will keep VA workers held to their responsibilities.
“If an employee is doing their job, that employee shouldn’t have anything to worry about,” said Rumbsy, who said he, like thousands of other veterans, uses the VA to receive care.
“If they’re not doing a good job, the VA’s hands shouldn’t be tied if they can’t get rid of a bad employee.”
The Military Affairs Council is a non-profit organization that advocates for “military and veteran affairs in Northeast Tennessee as they relate to national defense and economic vitality of the area,” according to the group’s website. That includes being a liaison for veterans seeking to overcome obstacles in obtaining access to the VA. –read more
What was the problem that needed fixing? Here’s ONE example:
Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin said Wednesday the civil service appeals process prevents the agency from firing “terrible managers,” and that the Senate must act to reduce the impact of the Merit Systems Protection Board and excessive government employee union-backed due process requirements.
“Just last week we were forced to take back an employee after they were convicted no more than three times for DWI and had served a 60-day jail sentence … Our accountability processes are clearly broken,” Shulkin said at the White House.
…“We had to wait more than a month to fire a psychiatrist who was caught on camera watching pornography on his iPad while seeing a patient,” he said. “Because of the way judges review these cases, they can force us to take terrible managers back who were fired for poor performance, we recently saw that with one of our executives in San Juan.”
…“We currently have 1,500 disciplinary actions pending, people that either need to be fired, demoted, suspended without paid for violating our core values,” Shulkin said. —DailySignal
Is there REALLY an objection to firing people like that?
With the VA hospital waiting lines looking like the DMV — or worse — the Canadian ‘Health Care’ System … we owe a lot more to our veterans than we do for a bureaucrat who doesn’t take his responsibilities seriously.
The Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles
Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog,, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity. That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome. Buy Now:The Effeminization Of The American Male