Huntress Is Hated And Hounded By Anti-Hunters – Has Mega $$$ Bounty On Her Head
The anti-hunting lobby ‘loves’ life so much, they’ll issue ‘fatwas’ against hunters, and offer bounties for their deaths.
Mafia tactics like that are not for people with sound and compelling arguments. It’s for fascists who want to control the lives of strangers.
If these people were acting in the name of a religion, their names would be cursed somewhere between Westboro and ISIS.
BIG game hunter has revealed she received over 1000 hate messages in an HOUR when Cecil the lion was shot and once had a bounty of £40,000 on her head.
Speaking in the week that huntress Melania Capitan was found dead in a suspected suicide, after being targeted online, American Olivia Nalos Opre has opened up about the abuse and death threats she had suffered.
The mum-of-four told The Sun Online: “I’ve had £40,000 ($50,000) bounty on my head with my home address posted and constant abuse and threats.
“I didn’t know Melania but I understand her struggle because it’s something I have dealt with for decades, but the hatred is entirely due to ignorance. –The Sun
So it will become national news if a teenage girl is bullied online and is shown to have committed suicide. Will there be a similar outcry if it turns out that this was suicide, and that she was harassed and threatened?
What about ‘A-list’ comics publicly picking on thirteen-year-old girls who hunt? Does he get a pass for his cruelty to a minor just because he’s ‘funny’ and ‘edgy’? (Looking at YOU Ricky Gervais.)
Or this guy going for the cheap laughs.
Forget the fact that the teen Gervais mocked fed 800 orphans (check the link!) with one kill.
Forget the role in the ‘circle of life’ that hunters play in keeping everything in balance.
Nope. The same people who will defend the most ridiculously lewd acts and behavior, and participate in ‘slut walks’ will turn around and shame a hunter for doing with people have literally done for millennia beyond counting.
These ‘social justice warriors’ will cry over the death of a lion, and threaten the death of a stranger for killing it.
If anyone deserves to be shamed, it would be the activist losers. If they ever want to pull their head out of their backsides and join the real world, put this in their hands.
The Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles
Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog,, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity. That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome. Buy Now:The Effeminization Of The American Male