Joe Scarborough Resurrects ‘President Bannon’ B.S. As Globalists Lose To Nationalists
The Globalists are in a panic because President Trump’s ‘America First’ policy is resonating with Americans…
And it’s not just on the Left.
There are some Globalists on the Right, too.
And those in the mushy middle, the so-called ‘No Label’ crowd that includes the likes of Joe Scarborough.
Joe’s decided that he’s no longer Republican. In a recent Op-Ed in the Washington Post, divisively titled, ‘Trump Is Killing The Republican Party’, Scarborough said that he didn’t leave the Republican Party, ‘the Republican Party left its senses’.
In what is becoming the ultimate “tell” that the globalists are losing ground, Joe Scarborough on Sunday revived his “President Bannon” smear.
“President Bannon’s brilliant strategy of only playing to the base while enraging the rest of America adds up to 36%,” he tweeted.
It is worth noting that the day after President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the Paris Climate Accord, Scarborough nearly lost his mind by repeating “President Bannon” over and over and over again like a maniac on his program.
He even took to Twitter to float his nonsense.
President Bannon’s brilliant strategy of only playing to the base while enraging the rest of America adds up to 36%. Great job, Lenin.
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) July 16, 2017
Ann Coulter called him out on it when he did the same thing back in June:
Scarborough must think @realDonaldTrump is really stupid to fall for this “President Bannon” taunt.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) June 2, 2017
Coulter had included a YouTube video that has since been deleted.
Here is another copy:
His criticism of President Trump got pretty ugly. It was day after day, relentless attacking. And although it was on MSNBC, the rest of the Media (D) was giddy to report on the former Republican Congressman taking shots at a Republican president.
But what Scarborough does not realize is that Trump’s approval rating has not plummeted and remained relatively steady even though the media have hyped all sorts of “scandals”–Russia, CNN-WWE tweets, “facelift” tweets, etc.–during the past two months.
In addition, all of the polling done on Trump must be taken with a grain of salt because of “social desirability bias”—which means regular voters who do not live in areas where Scarborough’s new hairdo is in fashion do not want to tell oh-so-properly-sounding pollsters that they support Trump because they do not want to be mocked by the smug elites who regularly appear on Scarborough’s program and mistake “sounding smart” for actual knowledge.
President Trump’s campaign platform resonated with Americans.
Specifically the Americans in ‘flyover country’ that felt overlooked for at least 8 years.
The Americans that live near the border of Mexico and see the results of the constant flow of illegal immigration across the border.
The Americans that have lost their jobs due to a combination of crippling regulations, high taxes, and ‘bad’ trade deals that make it lucrative for companies to hire overseas workers.
The Americans that feared that Leftist activists want to stomp on Constitutional rights like freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to bear arms.
But do you expect the ‘coastal elites’ like Scarborough to get that?
Nope. He just thinks that President Trump is Steve Bannon’s puppet.
Keith Koffler, the editor of White House Dossier who is writing a book on Bannon, recently told the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard: “The media have tried to spin a narrative that Trump is Bannon’s puppet, but I’ve found that to be wholly inaccurate.”
“Trump is not the caricature even veteran journalists portray, that of a malleable opportunist. Rather, he possesses longstanding ideas that Bannon shares and helps buttress and develop,” he continued. “Their relationship really is an alliance of two men who have similar instincts and share a vision for the future of the country.”
But that hasn’t stopped Scarborough from reviving his “President Bannon” taunt, which, at this point, just makes him seem like someone who is pounding his fists on the table and throwing a tantrum.
Source: Breitbart
What Republicans don’t seem to get is that the GOP has become the big tent party with various groups included, and we sometimes have differing points of view on issues. Republicans aren’t like the Democrats that have ‘litmus tests’ on abortion, LGBT issues, identity politics, preening for international appeal, etc.
There is one thing that still holds Republicans together.
We still love our country and we want America to be great.
And President Trump won the nomination and the Presidency.
The other wishy-washy Republicans…
*cough* John McCain *cough*
Just didn’t resonate with regular Americans.
He didn’t resonate with his own party!
Joe says that the Republicans have left their principles, but maybe Joe didn’t understand what those principles were in the first place.
Hey, Joe!
Here are a couple of books for you. One of them you can use as ‘Coloring Therapy’. You can make sure that the people are of every hue under the sun. You Globalists like that kind of thing, right?’s, Editor-In-Chief, Doug Giles addresses our nation’s abysmal wussification in his NEW book …
The Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles
Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog,, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity.
That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome.
In The Effeminization Of The American Male, Giles takes ‘Crispin’ from the unaccomplished, prissy and dank corridors of ‘Wussville’ up the steep, treacherous and unforgiving trail that leads to ‘Mantown.’
“Secretly, everybody’s getting tired of political correctness, kissing up. That’s the kiss-ass generation we’re in right now. We’re really in a p*ssy generation.” – Clint Eastwood
This is definitely one of the most politically incorrect books to ever hit the market.
It will most certainly offend the entitled whiners, but it will also be a breath of fresh air to young males who wish to be men versus hipster dandies.
Buy Now: The Effeminization Of The American Male
Doug Giles, Creator of and author of the #1 Amazon best-seller, The Effeminization Of The American Male, has created a coloring book just for the fragile little college snowflakes.
A Coloring Book for College Crybabies
Check this out from’s product description …
Dear College Student:
Here’s a coloring book just for you! We know you’re angry that Trump got elected so we’re here to help exorcise your devils and give you some much-needed relief through coloring.
If you haven’t ever colored before, here are some tips to help you draw a pretty picture that you can cherish for years to come.
It’s pretty simple. Just try to stay inside the lines. That’s it. Have fun and use all your crayons. Make your Mommy and Daddy proud. Hell, who knows … they might even put it on their refrigerator for all your friends and relatives to see!
God bless you, little Tinkerpot.
Your Friend,
Doug Giles
Doug tells us his new coloring book ‘is very offensive, will definitely melt snowflakes, and God & Country lovin’ Americans will howl with laughter over its contents’
If you hate America’s WUSSIFICATION of young people you’ll LOVE Giles’ new coloring book and of course his best-seller, The Effeminization Of The American Male.
Available now at Amazon: