LMAO: Alyssa Milano Tries To Hit Trump But Misses And Hits Obama, Hillary & Co.

Her show was called ‘Who’s the Boss’ and she STILL can’t accept who Americans picked to be President… so she’s become a professional heckler. But it backfired.
They’ve been desperate to push the Russia narrative since day one.
(It might almost seem like the fix was in, and the media had specific marching orders that just happened to match the narrative pushed by Hillary and Obama.)
She took a swipe at Trump. (Again.)
But she should have run this one by her liberal friends first.
Instead of her attack boomeranging on her like her earlier ones did (have you paid those taxes and employees, yet Alyssa?) this one hit her political allies.
Col•lu•sion – noun – secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others. https://t.co/Hg70EW5g6h
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) July 9, 2017
It’s called ‘Friendly Fire’. And we love it.
It didn’t take Twitter long to pounce.
What about Obama giving Iran 1.7 Bil. What about he knew about Russia last year and did nothing about it? Fast and furious?
— Chris Loeffler (@cloeff1969) July 9, 2017
She likes to call out ‘fake news’. This one must have stung.
Collusion…you mean how CNN leaked debate questions to Hillary, or how the DNC colluded to keep Bernie Sanders from winning the nomination
— Jonny D (@THE_Jonny_D) July 9, 2017
Ahhh..Duh…He's a private citizen .. how about @SenSanders and his under investigation for FELONY bank fraud. That's a legitimate story
— The Wine Guru®???????? (@mrwinemaster) July 9, 2017
wrong, this is collusion >> pic.twitter.com/gpKQ2RB44z
— Twisted Graphics (@twisted147) July 11, 2017
So now that you found that definition. Ask yourself how it applies to all the pay for play & Uranium sales to Russia for the C's.
— Airborne_Sapper (@MichaelSmith024) July 11, 2017
How much did Russia pay Bill for those speeches? Oh, here it is! What was Hillary’s job description at the time? And who gave us that ridiculous ‘reset button’? This one is fantastic:
Pris·on – noun – where you should go after participating in Col•lu•sion to deceive your country for profit.
— Rick Montanez (@rickmz1958) July 9, 2017
Some of them got personal:
gul·li·ble adjective describing a b list actress who believes every conspiracy theory devised by the NY Times
— iluvpaws (@iluvpaws1) July 11, 2017
ˈhaz ˌbin
a person or thing considered to be outmoded or no longer of any significance. (i.e Hollywood celebrities)— Nicholas Cacciola (@NickCacciola) July 11, 2017
Oh. Here’s one that used a little wordplay and DID boomerang.
Delusion: Alyssa Milano.thinking she could get away with not paying taxes or her employees https://t.co/9Dgv5NF8q4
— Ex-Dem????????Latina (@terrymendozer) July 10, 2017
We’re glad SOMEBODY said it:
You seem obsessed with Trump, like a nerd high school girl who has secret crush on the quarterback. It's kind of cute and amusing.Thanks! ????????
— 219 ???? (@DoubleJacked) July 10, 2017
With Social Media, the reaction can be swift and savage.
Alyssa Milano has discovered that first-hand.
On the upside, for those of us who hadn’t heard her name in forever, she’s managed to get her name out there. If there is no ‘bad publicity’ (something Kathy Griffin may contest) then at least her ongoing campaign is doing that.
It’s funny, watching Leftist ride the coattails of someone they claim to loathe.
Who would even remember their names if they couldn’t ‘prove’ their ‘virtue’ to their rich, elitist buddies by joining in the bitter digs at Trump?
But let’s be honest. They would absolutely LOVE him — including all of his quirky behaviors if he served their cause, and not ‘the enemy’s’.
They are all just pissy because he has put his tremendous energy and talent behind the Republican brand.
Somebody, PLEASE circulate this book in Hollywood before their fake outrage sends their blood pressure to unsafe levels.
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