Judge Returns Gun Fire After Being Ambushed – I Have To Say, I’m Very Impressed

When you think of the word ‘judge’ what image comes to mind?
A stuffy old fart in a black robe? Or Bruce Willis in ‘Die Hard’?
This story might change your perceptions.
This judge is tougher than most. Just ask the moron who jumped him.
Scratch that. You’d have to ask his next of kin.
It was an attempted murder on a judge with a happy ending.
The man who officials say ambushed and shot an Ohio judge was the father of a high school football player convicted in the high-profile Steubenville High School rape case.
Judge Joseph J. Bruzzese Jr. was shot and injured outside the Jefferson County courthouse in Steubenville in eastern Ohio shortly after 8 a.m. Monday, after the suspect, identified as Nathaniel Richmond, ran up to him and started firing, officials said.
Steubenville city manager James Mavromatis said a probation officer returned fire and the sheriff said the judge also pulled out his own gun, firing several rounds.
The judge was listed in stable condition Monday and is expected to survive, officials said.
Richmond, who died after the exchange of gunfire, was the father of Ma’lik Richmond, one of two Steubenville High School football players convicted of raping a 16-year-old girl at a party in 2012, according to The Associated Press. —ABC
And, no, Judge Bruzzese had no direct connection to the case involving the man’s son.
“This individual laid in wait, for our judge, and … it just hurts. First thing on a Monday morning,” Jefferson County Sheriff Fred Abdalla said emotionally. “You have a judge shot in front of his courthouse, and that affected me… This was ambush and attempted murder on our judge.” –ABC
Why was he able to respond so quickly? This may have had something to do with it:
Abdalla described Bruzzese as an avid hunter and outdoorsman. The sheriff was apparently the one who urged Bruzzese to carry a weapon with him in the first place to “protect himself from all the nutcases around the country.” —Outdoor Hub
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