Mall Cop Berates Navy SEAL For Talking About God At The Mall – That Was A Bad Idea

This Mall Cop is woefully ignorant of basic Christianity. And this Navy Seal schools him beautifully.
It’s so ridiculous.
The Mall Cop is harassing these guys for speaking privately about Jesus.
They weren’t handing out tracts or publicly preaching.
They were just engaging people in conversations.
The reaction that they get from this supposed Christian Mall Cop is unreal.
He’s literally censoring them because a Mall is ‘private property’.
The Mall Cop, Mr. Pratt, (who doesn’t want his name shared,) says that he is ‘probably a bigger Christian’ than the guy that’s sharing the Gospel.
Well, if we’re talking land-mass, then yep.
Ok, it might not be fair to make fat jokes.
But theologically, or even basic Biblical undertanding no way.
Seriously, has this dude even cracked open the Bible?
Like at all?
We’re not supposed to ‘preach quietly only in church’. We are to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.
And that harpy of a woman that comes in at the end to mock the Navy Seal is likely a Hillary voter. She’s got that much vitriol.
The bro filming this did a fantastic job, and speaking of mall cops the confrontation reminded me of this:
How humiliating for Mr. Pratt.
The Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles
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