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News Clash

Muslims Strip Their Beauty Queen Of Her Title Because Of This Ridiculous Reason

At least she was able to hold her title for a week before the horrifying truth came out…

Amanda Hanna, the Swedish-Lebanese beauty won the title of Miss Lebanon Emigrant but then had her title stripped when it was revealed that she had done something that Lebanese officials could not condone.

She went to Israel in 2016 for an academic trip.

The Lebanese pageant officials aren’t letting her keep her crown because she went to visit their neighboring country, Israel, the only Jewish state?

That is messed up.

You know what else it is?

Amanda Hanna courtesy Facebook

According to the Independent, the Swedish-Lebanese winner of the Miss Lebanon Emigrant contestant was able to visit her southern neighbor with her Swedish passport. Lebanon is in a state of war with Israel, so the Lebanese government has made it illegal for any citizen to visit.

“After communicating our decision with Lebanon’s Minister of Tourism, he decided that Hanna should be stripped of her title because her visit to Israel violates our country’s laws,” a statement from the Festival to the newspaper Al Modon reads.
Source: The Jerusalem Post

So many are quick to side against Israel with the BDS movement and protesting Israel’s handling of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

This will help a bit with that:

Yeah, Israel takes a lot of heat for the lack of peace in the Middle East, but that’s not fair or right.

The single barrier to peace is that many Muslim states — and many Leftists — disagree that Israel has a right to exist.

And it’s petty, closed-minded things like this that perpetuate the idea that it’s Israel that’s the problem.

By the way, this isn’t the first time that Israel has posed a problem for a Lebanese beauty queen. In 2015, Miss Lebanon, Doron Matalon, almost lost her title when she posted a selfie with Miss Israel to social media.
Miss Lebanon had posed with Miss Japan and Miss Slovenia, and Miss Lebanon claims that Miss Israel ‘photobombed’ the selfie.

And she nearly lost her crown over that.

Talk about intolerance!

Yo, Linda Sarsour and the Nasty Women’s March peeps, are you going to say anything about that?

Or do you simply not care because it’s ‘just the Jews’?

Isn’t it good to know that even Beauty pageants are politicized these days?

I miss the old days when not everything was politicized.

How about you? Do you miss those days?

Let us know in the comments.’s, Editor-In-Chief, Doug Giles how-to book:

Raising Righteous & Rowdy Girls

In ‘Raising Righteous and Rowdy Girls’, Doug Giles reinforces the notion that little women don’t need to be pampered by their fathers to turn out right. And having met his beautiful daughters, I know his philosophy works. As a strong-willed woman who thinks her daddy is the greatest guy in the world, I can tell you this is a must-read for every man who hopes to earn the same title. —-S.E. Cupp Best Selling Author & Fox News Analyst

Share if you think that intolerance on the part of pageant officials is a stupid reason to take away someone’s title

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker