Arizona: Is It Time To Recall Senator John McCain?

I have to admit something to my fellow Clash Daily readers. Back in 2008, I was the Iowa Co-Chairman of Sportsmen for McCain-Palin. Having worked my butt off for Senator McCain, I was, as many of us, disappointed in how he ran his campaign, and the vindictive nature of the Senator from Arizona towards his fellow Republicans, before and after his loss to then Senator Obama.
Even though I established my credibility within Republican circles as an effective operator with that effort, I still feel slimed by it. Even more so now that Senator McCain has sided against all Americans by his continued support of Obama Care.
Did you know that the voters of Arizona could recall Senator McCain? The process is not an easy one, at, the legal requirements to remove an elected official in Arizona are spelled out. One of the highlights of Arizona’s standards is as follows:
…The number of signatures required to qualify a recall attempt for the ballot is 25 percent of the number of votes cast in the last election for that office. Moreover, the signatures collected must be from voters who actually cast a vote in the election at which the targeted public officer was elected.
In 1988, the voters of Arizona were able to collect enough signatures of the eligible voters to trigger a recall of then Governor Evan Mecham (R), although before the election was held, the Arizona State Legislature used its powers to impeach and remove him from office.
Should the voters of Arizona be successful in getting a recall effort on the ballot, the qualified candidate who has the highest vote total in that election will win the office.
From 41,000 feet, it looks to me like the time for the people to remove the RINO Senator from Arizona may have arrived.
Image: Excerpted from: photo credit: Gage Skidmore John McCain via photopin (license)