Football Team Of 8yr. Olds PROTEST National Anthem – Should The Coach Get Canned?

Was this a ‘teaching moment’ like the coach claims, or should he lose his job over it?
The coach claims it was the players that asked to kneel during the anthem because of the protesting and rioting in St. Louis over the weekend.
St. Louis was in turmoil because of the acquittal of Jason Stockley on Friday. In December 2011, Stockley, a former police officer, shot and killed Anthony Lamar Smith, a suspected drug dealer, after a high-speed chase.
The coach used the ‘teaching moment’ to discuss racism, ‘black people being killed and nobody going to jail’, and Colin Kaepernick.
Remember, this team is made up of 8-year olds.
These kids probably haven’t learned the multiplication table yet.
Are they supposed to understand and rationally critique the Art of Political Protest as discussed by a person they admire?
That’s a stretch.
It’s apparently a challenge to get them all to face the right way. During the protest some players were facing away from the flag, but that was unintentional, claims the coach.
Yeah, because trying to control a group of 8-year olds is like herding cats.
The Cahokia coach, Orlando Gooden, said the protest grew out of a discussion about the tumult in the news.
‘One of the kids asked me if I saw [people] protesting and rioting in St. Louis. I said yes; I said, “Do you know why they are doing it?”’ said Gooden.
According to Gooden, his player replied: ‘Because black people are getting killed and nobody’s going to jail.’
‘I felt like it was a good teaching moment for me to circle the team and have a meeting,’ the coach said.
Gooden said it was a ‘good teaching moment’ for him and he mentioned Kaepernick and his anthem protest.
One child asked if they could do it, too.
So the whole team ‘took the knee’ for the anthem.
Was it the whole team that chose to do that?
Were some kids forced to?
Kids don’t understand the nuances of these kinds of actions, or who they are siding with — or against. Even if one thought it was a bad idea, might have gone along with it to not be the odd one out.
These are children.
But he says that he had the support of parents.
The children’s parents supported the coach’s decision to have his team take a knee.
‘As long as I have support of my parents and team, I’m perfectly fine, and I’m covered under the First Amendment to peacefully protest and assemble,’ Gooden said.
Source: Daily Mail
Gooden says that he teaches his kids about ‘love, integrity, honesty, fairness, respect, and boundaries‘.
But was he fair?
Did he cross a boundary by politicizing the anthem and the flag in these kids minds?
Should this coach be fired for what he did?
Should The Coach Get Canned?
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