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So, Does This Mean Brazil Now Values Life More Than America Does?

Amid the “Yakov Smirnoff opening for the Spin Doctors at the Iowa State Fair” excrement show (Deadpool quote) that is Hollywood and Washington, DC’s sexual deviancies, there is some good news for those who don’t believe babies should be murdered.

Side note: Long ago Rush Limbaugh said politics is show business for ugly people. Evidently we’re now living in an age where show business is nothing but sewer politics for beautiful people. And of course that means flyover Americans are taking fire from both sides. Wonderful.

Despite the southern hemisphere harboring governments that are mostly socialist and have little respect for the individual, it appears the Brazilians have at least partially seen the light:

Brazil already bans abortions with a few exceptions, but a congressional committee with many evangelical Christians voted late Wednesday night to take away those exceptions and prohibit all abortions in the nation.

“To defend abortion, like it or not, is a Satanic, diabolical and destructive act,” Evangelical Congressman Pastor Eurico told the committee. The special committee gathered to consider extending maternity leave for mothers who have premature babies, but the committee decided to take up Brazil’s abortion ban in addition, according to Reuters. The committee voted in an overwhelming 18-1 vote to ban all abortions.

Abortion is illegal in Brazil, except in cases of rape, where the mother’s life is in danger and if the fetus has anencephaly — a condition where the baby is born missing part of the brain and dies shortly thereafter. Women who have abortions face up to three years in prison while doctors perform abortions can receive four years.

I saw this story earlier this week so I Google’d “Brazil” and “abortion ban” to get the link. There were plenty of sources upfront that wrote pieces in opposition to this ban, but would you believe the link to Life News was fourth on Page 3 of the results – which is to say SEO’s No Man’s Land?

Definition time: An abortion is the intentional ending of an unborn baby’s life for no other reason than the mother and/or influential person(s) around her wish her not to be pregnant. Measures taken to save the life of the mother resulting in the death of the baby do not constitute abortion.

If we can’t all agree that life begins at conception and that every person – who wouldn’t be a person if not conceived — should be given the most precious, fundamental right to life endowed by God, enshrined in the Declaration of Independence (“Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”), and codified in the Constitution, all other issues fall to near meaninglessness.

We should applaud Brazil, and continue the journey to ban abortions in the United States.

photo credit: Excerpted from: Eduardo Amorim No Dia da Pátria via photopin (license)

Share if you hope Brazi’s respect for life influences America’s attitude toward life, as well.

Michael Cummings

Michael A. Cummings has a Bachelors in Business Management from St. John's University in Collegeville, MN, and a Masters in Rhetoric & Composition from Northern Arizona University. He has worked as a department store Loss Prevention Officer, bank auditor, textbook store manager, Chinese food delivery man, and technology salesman. Cummings wrote position pieces for the 2010 Trevor Drown for US Senate (AR) and 2012 Joe Coors for Congress (CO) campaigns.