Bad Teacher: Teacher Uses Disgusting Cartoon To Shame White Students For Being White

White privilege is a popular thing right now, and some activist teachers are pushing social justice in the classroom. Check out what this teacher is doing.
A white teacher with white guilt has developed a curriculum about white privilege for school kids.
Jon Greenberg is a high school teacher at The Center School in Seattle, Washington. He is also a blogger that diligently adds to his blog, ‘Citizenship and Social Justice‘ — named after the class that he teaches. The website collects anecdotes, admonishments, and links to educate white people on fostering their white guilt.
He calls it the ‘Curriculum for White Americans to Educate Themselves on Race and Racism–from Ferguson to Charleston.’
“There are no doubt complexities that come with White Americans working for racial justice. White privilege can lead to a chronic case of undiagnosed entitlement, creating poor listeners, impatient speakers who talk over others, and people unaccustomed to taking orders. Nevertheless, the movement for racial justice needs more White Americans to get involved. And it’s our responsibility to help each other get involved–and get involved productively,” Greenberg wrote, linking to a blog post that claims quoting Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., to black women is a violent and “cisheteropatriarchy” act.
Here is one of the cartoons in his curriculum:
Greenberg, who is also a contributor to the garbage website, Everyday Feminism, doesn’t want people to languish in their white guilt, though. He wants to create activists.
Greenberg then includes a series of links to reading material, the majority of which he said focuses on the “recent killings of Black men.” The links are organized by topics, which are: Reading Articles, Written Specifically for White Americans; Understanding Whiteness, White Privilege, Microaggressions, and a History of Racial Discrimination; Joining Groups; and Parenting Racially-Conscious Children.
“Instead of spending your energies on guilt, I encourage you to spend them seeking inspiration to act,” Greenberg wrote. “There’s no shortage of inspiration.”
Remember, this dude is a high school teacher.
He’s been called out on his racism, but somehow skirted a transfer.
Greenberg is no stranger to the topic of race and controversy. The embattled teacher faced off against his school district in 2013 when he was originally sentenced to an administrative transfer by the school district from The Center School when a family claimed he created an intimidating environment in the required humanities class on race.
“These are important conversations for our students and staff. But we don’t want to put any child into a situation where he or she feels so intimidated by the manner in which these issues are taught that the course is no longer effective,” a statement from the school district said following the complaint from the family.
Source: The Blaze
Way to go, Center School, for fostering all of that anti-white racism.
That’ll be really useful in creating a society that exemplifies Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream.
But then, leftists don’t get that fanning the flames of anti-white sentiment is antithetical to the above speech.
They don’t get it because they’ve lost their freaking minds to there ever-changing progressive ideology.
We’ve all wondered for a long time, but it looks like medical science has finally determined the problem.
It’s spreading like a plague. For some reason, Liberals are losing their ever-loving minds.
Trump Derangement — and Romney Derangement before that — and Bush Derangement before that are only the tip of the iceberg.
What is driving them so berzerk?
Looks like we’ve found an answer:
A liberal walks into the hospital and asks for an X-ray of its skull. Doctors confirmed what we already feared. Here’s the sad diagnosis…
That’s the ladies’ version. You can get it here.
Don’t worry. There’s one for the guys, too.
You can get the guy’s version here.
And the best part? This shirt is made in the USA, printed in the USA, on an American-Made t-shirt press!
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