Dear America: Look How Much CASH You Might Net Accusing Trump Of Getting Sexy With You

Motive. It’s the big question to come up whenever explosive accusations surface on the eve of an election.
It’s hard to know whether claims are legit or not when we don’t know whether the accuser might have some incentive to exaggerate, distort or straight out lie.
A new report from the Hill showed us JUST how much ‘incentive’ there was to go around.
Some people have political agendas. Others an ax to grind. Still others are working the angles for personal gain.
And in politics — especially where the stakes are high — we have seen all of these come into play.
And now theres a blockbuster story on some of the behind-the-scenes plays to destroy Trump.
Until a day or two ago, a conversation like this would have sifted the conflicting motives of those who either accused or defended Roy Moore, to see which ones we should accept, and which ones should be treated skeptically.
Now we know just how high the ‘bounty’ for a juicy story from an accuser could rise. And how time-sensitive that bounty became.
Again, we’re looking at motive, here.
Quotes below are from the explosive The Hill piece.
A well-known women’s rights lawyer sought to arrange compensation from donors and tabloid media outlets for women who made or considered making sexual misconduct allegations against Donald Trump during the final months of the 2016 presidential race, according to documents and interviews.
California lawyer Lisa Bloom’s efforts included offering to sell alleged victims’ stories to TV outlets in return for a commission for herself, arranging a donor to pay off one Trump accuser’s mortgage and attempting to secure a six-figure payment for another woman who ultimately declined to come forward after being offered as much as $750,000, the clients told The Hill.
The women’s accounts were chronicled in contemporaneous contractual documents, emails and text messages reviewed by The Hill, including an exchange of texts between one woman and Bloom that suggested political action committees supporting Hillary Clinton were contacted during the effort.
Pretty lavish payouts, especially since we all heard how broke the party itself was after Obama cleaned it out.
Their side can somehow find millions to sink into ‘compensating’ witnesses against Trump and Russian-backed ‘Dossiers’, but they were short on campaign funds?
And they DARE to talk about FOREIGNERS trying to ‘rig’ an election? The Fix was in for her own Primary.
Now, what do we know about ‘Bloom’, anyway?
She was defending Harvey Weinstein against sexual harassment charges… earlier THIS year.
She was connected to the four women who made allegations against Trump in the weeks leading up to the General Election.
In a statement to The Hill, Bloom acknowledged she engaged in discussions to secure donations for women who made or considered making accusations against Trump before last year’s election.
“Donors reached out to my firm directly to help some of the women I represented,” said Bloom, whose clients have also included accusers of Bill Cosby and Bill O’Reilly.
Bloom said her goal in securing money was not to pressure the women to come forward, but rather to help them relocate or arrange security if they felt unsafe during the waning days of a vitriolic election. She declined to identify any of the donors.
And while she noted she represented sexual harassment victims for free or at reduced rates, she also acknowledged a standard part of her contracts required women to pay her commissions as high as 33 percent if she sold their stories to media outlets.
So she would, herself, profit if the media outlets picked up these stories… which means, the accusers would as well.
Bloom then arranged for a donor to make a larger contribution to help Harth pay off the mortgage on her Queens apartment in New York City. The amount was under $30,000, according to a source directly familiar with Harth’s situation. Public records show Harth’s mortgage was recorded as extinguished on Dec. 19, 2016.
Their texts and emails indicate Bloom held a strong dislike of Trump though. Bloom is the daughter of Gloria Allred, another prominent attorney who is representing a number of women who have made accusations of sexual misconduct against Trump.
That name should ring a bell. Allred is neck deep in a number of those who have stood up with allegations against Republicans. She’s also Bloom’s mom. It’s almost like muck-raking is the family business.
Documents also show Bloom’s efforts to get alleged victims of sexual assault or harassment to come out against Trump intensified as Election Day 2016 approached.
When Harth, for instance, informed Bloom she had just made a Facebook post urging other women to come forward about Trump in October 2016, the lawyer texted back: “Wow Jill that would be amazing. 27 days until the election.”
Wow. “27 days until the election?” A real crusader for ‘truth’, isn’t she?
In fact, one of the alleged victims Bloom was ‘representing’ said as much.
“Give us a clear sense of what you need and we will see if it we can get it,” Bloom texted the woman a week before Election Day.
“I’m scared Lisa. I can’t relocate. I don’t like taking other people’s money,” the woman wrote to Bloom.
“Ok let’s not do this then,” Bloom responded. “We are just about out of time anyway.”
The woman then texted back demanding to know why there was a deadline. “What does time have to do with this? Time to bury Trump??? You want my story to bury trump for what? Personal gain? See that ‘s why I have trust issues!!”
Of the several women whose stories Bloom was procuring, we see some interesting exchanges. Some show naked Machiavellian politics…
“When you have a chance I suggest you delete the August 2015 Facebook post about supporting Trump,” Bloom texted. “Otherwise the reporter will ask you how you could support him after what he did to you. Your call but it will make your life easier.”
The woman declined. “I hate to say it, but i still rather have trump in office than hillary,” the woman texted back. Bloom answered, “Ok I respect that. Then don’t change anything.”
Eventually the two decided the woman’s continued support of Trump was a benefit to her narrative if she went public with her accusations, the messages show. “I love your point about being a Trump supporter too,” Bloom texted on Oct. 14, 2016.
Others show strong profit motive, with the ‘asking price’ going up… and up… and up. From $50 and $100k all the way up to $2 Million.
After the woman was released from the hospital, she agreed to meet Bloom at a hotel on Nov. 6, just two days before Trump unexpectedly defeated Clinton.
The woman told The Hill in an interview that at the hotel encounter, Bloom increased the offer of donations to $750,000 but still she declined to take the money.
This only can only touch on the highlights. The original piece has the full breakdown, with interviews.
But in this ‘me-too’ culture it does remind us that ‘justice’ and ‘truth’ are by no means the only motives on the table.
It reminds us of what Reagan said.
‘Trust but verify’.