Dear Sexual Molesters: If You’re UberRich & Liberal, The Media (D) Will Cover For You

The ‘Open Secret’ about Harvey Weinstein’s sexual assault was covered up by a whole host of people including the Media (D).
More than 50 women (so far) have come forward with accusations of the disturbing and inappropriate sexual behavior by disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein.
A New York Times report details how Weinstein managed to keep the ‘open secret’ from getting out into the public sphere.
Weinstein used threats, intimidation, and connections to keep his predatory behavior under wraps.
The Times calls it ‘Weinstein’s Complicity Machine‘.
There were 3 key players:
1. Silent Casting Agencies
2. The Media (D)
3. Celebrities In Hollywood and Washington
The Latin phrase, ‘qui tacet consentire videtur‘ — ‘He who is silent is taken to agree’ must be really hitting those three groups pretty hard right now because of their silence on Weinstein’s behavior.
Casting Agencies
Weinstein was a big name, and he had a knack for big box office hits. He was one of those guys that could make or break a career.
The actors and managers relied on him for their paychecks as well as a potential ‘big break’.
19-year old Mia Kirshner, a Canadian actress, related to her agent that her business meeting with Weinstein was instead a typical ‘casting couch’ suggestion of trading sex for career advancement. Ms. Kirshner rebuffed Weinstein and brought it to the attention of her agent, Lisa Grode.
Her agent suggested that she wear a wire and meet him again, but this was shot down by her talent manager, John Carrabino, and his boss, Sandy Gallin on a conference call.
“It all came down to money,” she said. “It speaks to why he was protected as opposed to the actors.“ Ms. Grode and Mr. Carrabino declined to comment; Mr. Gallin is deceased.
It is impossible to say how many women might have been spared Mr. Weinstein’s alleged sexual aggression had more agents responded with the impulse to act. At C.A.A.[Creative Artists Agency], at least eight agents had heard about Mr. Weinstein’s behavior, largely from actresses they represented, but several former senior C.A.A. agents said they were unaware of it or any formal agency response.
In a statement, C.A.A. said it apologized “to any person the agency let down for not meeting the high expectations we place on ourselves.” Like other agencies, it said it had begun revising its management structure to include more women and improve its sexual harassment policies.
Creative Artists Agency (C.A.A) is one of the largest acting agencies in Hollywood.
As the reactions by Mr. Gallin and Mr. Carrabino imply, the agencies didn’t want to bite the hand that was feeding them, even if it meant that some women were sexually harassed.
Agents often sign actresses when they are at peak value to the industry — just out of their teens, if not still in them — and also at peak vulnerability, given their youth. Although agents are charged with protecting their clients’ interests, they earn their living, indirectly, from the executives who write their clients’ paychecks. For agents, actors and actresses might come and go, but Mr. Weinstein was one of Hollywood’s seemingly permanent fixtures, distributing as many as 30 films a year.
The Media (D)
Weinstein’s money, power, and access to Hollywood stars bought him some close connections in the Media (D).
When reporters started digging into the allegations against Weinstein, Harvey decided to pull some of the strings that he had.
Shortly after the news investigations of Mr. Weinstein’s alleged abuse were published, A. J. Benza, a former New York Daily News gossip columnist, received a two-word text from the producer: “Help me.”
Mr. Benza had been integral to the network of friendly journalists — gossip columnists, magazine writers, editors and authors — whom the producer relied on to promote his entertainment empire and sometimes punish rivals or deflect threats.
Weinstein offered to keep Benza on a $20,000 per month stipend to ‘help’ him.
Weinstein would also give access to parties and therefore Hollywood celebrities, as well as offer business opportunities like book and movie deals with writers and editors that treated him favorably.
Mr. Benza and Mr. Weinstein were exploiting a longstanding system of favor-trading between the press and the movie business. Gossip writers need a stream of insider scoops, industry beat reporters need exclusives on the next big deal and glossy magazines need celebrities who can drive newsstand sales. Mr. Weinstein, who wanted glowing coverage, could provide that and more.
The producer often held out business opportunities to those who covered him. He had book and movie deals with writers and editors at Fox News, The New York Post, Premiere magazine, Vanity Fair, Variety and elsewhere. In Mr. Benza’s case, a book contract came immediately after he left The Daily News. In interviews, several journalists who had business ties to him said the arrangements did not cause them to pull punches.
He had particularly strong ties to the tabloid giant American Media — owner of The Enquirer, Globe, OK!, Radar Online and others — with which he teamed up to pursue several media and production deals.
He also used the Media (D) connections in the gossip industry for gathering dirt on his accusers, as well as squashing unwanted stories about him.
There is a practice in tabloid newsrooms to ‘catch and kill’ a story — the publisher would obtain exclusive rights to a damaging story but then effectively kill it by not publishing it.
Weinstein collected a lot of celebrity friends.
You can see the big names that thanked him at awards shows here:
But in his political activities, he made some big, powerful friends.
Chief among them were Bill and Hillary Clinton. Over the years, Mr. Weinstein provided them with campaign cash and Hollywood star power, inviting Mrs. Clinton to glittery premieres and offering to send her films. After Mr. Clinton faced impeachment in the Monica Lewinsky scandal, he donated $10,000 to Mr. Clinton’s legal defense fund. Mr. Weinstein was a fund-raiser and informal adviser during Mrs. Clinton’s 2000 Senate campaign, a guest in her hotel suite when she won and a host of an A-list victory party. He was an early backer of both her presidential bids.
There was one celebrity, however, that was also tied to Hillary that made some noise about Harvey Weinstein — but only to the Hillary campaign, not to the Media (D) to protect other actresses from being victimized. None other than Lena Dunham came forward twice warning the Hillary camp about Weinstein, and it wasn’t just ‘allegations’.
“I just want you to let you know that Harvey’s a rapist and this is going to come out at some point,” Ms. Dunham said she told Kristina Schake, the campaign’s deputy communications director. She recalled adding, “I think it’s a really bad idea for him to host fund-raisers and be involved because it’s an open secret in Hollywood that he has a problem with sexual assault.”
And yet, the Clintons remained chummy with their buddy Harv. Well, I guess if Hillary didn’t ditch Bill in the 90s, you can’t expect her to ditch Moneybags Weinstein that got her sitting with the cool kids.
She maintained both relationships for exactly the same reasons — her own career advancement.
Days after Mrs. Clinton’s election loss, the Clintons had dinner with Mr. Weinstein, Mr. Boies, the lawyer, and their wives at Rao’s restaurant in Harlem, Manhattan.
Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Weinstein began planning a documentary TV show about her campaign. Discussions about the project stretched out for months with her lawyer, Robert Barnett, who emailed with Mr. Weinstein on Sept. 28 about potential European buyers.
Source: New York Times
Weinstein would also swagger that he was King Sh-t of Crap Mountain by namedropping then-president Barack Obama to show himself as having friends in high places.
Remember, Malia spent some of her gap year working for Weinstein.
Imagine if you will, that someone, somewhere in this chain had said something instead of leaving it to the intimidated and harassed victims of Harvey Weinstein come forward.
How many women would have been spared?
We’ll never know.
The greasy casting agencies, the Media (D), and the celebrity-enamored Democrats didn’t care enough about the women that were subjected to Weinstein’s perverse predilections. They all wanted his money and to hover in his aura of Hollywood stardom.
The casting agents and the Democrats wanted the cash.
The Democrats also wanted to gain access to the Hollywood stars in orbit around Weinstein, just like the members of the Media (D) did.
If only we had a press that was more concerned with truth than their own political agendas, or personal advancemnt, perhaps more women would have been protected from this predator.
Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles
Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog,, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity. That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome. Buy Now:The Effeminization Of The American Male
What Jim Acosta, Rachel Maddow and the Rest of The Media (D) STILL haven’t figured out yet is why we call them ‘Fake News’.
Let’s spell it out for them. In a shirt.
Because you know they won’t be able to figure it out on their own.
JOUR-NAL-IST: A Professional Liar For Liberal Causes
There’s a ladies’ version…
And a men’s version…
The problem isn’t just the lies they tell…
It’s the truth they DON’T tell…
And the opinions laced right through them.
It’s propaganda:
JOUR-NAL-ISTA Professional Liar For Liberal Causes
And the best part? This shirt is made in the USA, printed in the USA, on an American-Made t-shirt press!