Dude Jumps On Bar In Restaurant, Starts Screaming About Allah, What Would You Do?

This Muslim is lucky he didn’t try to pull this stunt in Texas — where there would have been no hesitation to shoot him. What would you have done if you saw this happened while you were eating dinner?
CALDWELL – Customers at the Horsewood’s Restaurant in Caldwell were panicked Friday night after a drunk man got up on the bar and “praised Allah as the only god.”
The incident happened at around 8:15 p.m. Friday night, according to Caldwell Police.
Lt. Joey Hoadley tells KTVB that officers were on scene less than two minutes after receiving the call.
Horsewood’s owners, Jessie and Aaron Horsewood, explain the event as surreal. They say the young man had been sitting in the bar for awhile when he suddenly climbed up on top of the bar, told everyone to be quiet, and yelled, “Allah is the only one true god.”
The Horsewoods say customers immediately bolted out, running to every door in the restaurant.
“It was surreal,” Jessie Horsewood said. “There were purses left on chairs, cell phones left on tables.”
They say Bell was wearing a backpack and it worried customers that he was carrying a weapon.
Read more: KTVB
What would YOUR reaction have been?
You only have seconds to decide.
Ignore him as another rowdy drunk?
Walk away?
Knock him out?
Neutralize the threat?
And there was one other ‘tiny’ little question.
Did they say this Muslim was DRUNK?
I thought Islam forbade that.
What, was he eating pork rinds, too?
The men and women in law enforcement that serve and protect us are commendable, but the
response time means that they don’t get there when the bullets are flying.
Are you willing to wait 20 minutes for the police to show up?
It’s an issue that needs to be discussed within our churches and addressed by our church
We need some righteous badassery in the church to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our
brothers and sisters in Christ from the preventable evil in this world.
We need to Obey Jesus.
Including what he said in Luke 22:36.
He [Jesus] said to them, “But now let the one who has a moneybag take it, and
likewise a knapsack. And let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one.
– The Holy Bible, English Standard Version
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