Glam Model Heads To Prison For Going ‘Mike Tyson’ On Older Lady – This Is Jacked Up

A glamor model goes full Mike Tyson in a bizarre confrontation. Never go full Mike Tyson.
A 27-year old ‘glamor model’ Chloe Hammond, known as Chloe Rebelle, got into a fight with a 56-year old in London after being chastised for chatting on her phone while driving. And what a fight it was.
Hammond was driving her Audi TT in slow-moving traffic when Jill Holloway tapped on her window and told her not to talk on the phone while driving.
Chloe Hammond, 27, also known as Chloe Rebelle, lunged at 56-year-old Julie Holloway before biting down on her ear ‘like a dog with a chew toy’ on London’s Embankment.
She flew into a rage after Ms Holloway tapped on the window of her Audi TT to remonstrate with her for chatting on the phone in slow-moving traffic.
The model blasted her horn then parked her silver convertible nearby before returning to kick Ms Holloway in the stomach, causing her to double over.
Hammond, from Rayleigh in Essex, then grabbed Ms Holloway’s hair and bit into her ear as the victim’s horrified friends Michael Gallego and Stephen Vernon looked on.
Ms Holloway, who was crossing the road from the Walkabout bar to a Soul Boat party, did not realise part of her ear was missing ‘until someone picked it up off the floor’.
Hammond says that she was ‘acting in self-defense’ and offered to take a polygraph test to prove that she was telling the truth.
The judge called her on the B.S.:
Judge Philip Bartle QC jailed her for five years today and told her: ‘On that day you were driving on the Embankment alone in your car – Julie Holloway tapped on your window to say that you were using your phone.
‘You became aggressive and angry, you opened your window and you were verbally abusive to Ms Holloway who continued to walk to the other side of the road.
‘You then stopped your car in the middle of the road and in traffic, you got out of your car and you walked towards Ms Holloway.
‘I am sure that you continued to be angry as many of the prosecution witnesses said – one of them said ‘she looked as though she was going with a purpose, she was on a mission.‘
The jury took only 90 minutes to convict Hammond of ‘causing grievous bodily harm with intent’.
Holloway gives her disturbing account of events:
‘I do recall coming forward and then the next thing I know, she grabbed both sides of my head and then she lunged into my ear,’ she said.
‘I felt her bite my ear. I couldn’t get her off me because she just lunged on to my ear.’
She said she was in such ‘shock’ she did not initially notice when Hammond escaped.
‘It was chaos at the time, because my ear was on the floor.
‘I didn’t know what had really happened to me at the time. I didn’t grasp what had actually happened.
‘There was blood all over me, there was blood all over one of the girls and I just didn’t know that my ear had gone missing as such until someone picked it up off the floor.
‘It’s quite disturbing to say the least.’
Hammond tried to defend herself with The Usual Excuses — she suffered from depression and low self-worth, she was in abusive relationships. She also claims to have blacked out during the confrontation and is suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder following the incident.
Giving evidence, Hammond claimed to have ‘blacked out’ during the skirmish and did not even realise an ear had been bitten.
She said: ‘In fact I was self-defending myself, someone grabbed my breast and that was enough for me.
‘I did not want to fight, I wanted to walk away. I do not accept lying because I was telling the full honest truth.
‘I accept what happened but I do not accept I intended to do this to Julie.’
Source: Daily Mail
So, the biter is claiming PTSD and the bitee is not?
Is it the generational difference coming through yet again?
The 27-year old botox-filled, half-silicone woman that has become ‘internet famous’ for her fake curves and her porn-like photos is a fragile little snowflake when she’s called out on bad behavior?
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We’ve all wondered for a long time, but it looks like medical science has finally determined the problem.
It’s spreading like a plague. For some reason, Liberals are losing their ever-loving minds.
Trump Derangement — and Romney Derangement before that — and Bush Derangement before that are only the tip of the iceberg.
What is driving them so berzerk?
Looks like we’ve found an answer:
A liberal walks into the hospital and asks for an X-ray of its skull. Doctors confirmed what we already feared. Here’s the sad diagnosis…
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You can get the guy’s version here.
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