NYC Terrorist Was TRIGGERED By ‘Christmas Posters’ – Here’s His Other ‘Reason’ He Blew Himself Up

Hey look — we even found someone who might still watch the NFL!
If he hadn’t attacked their beloved NYC, you can be sure he’d be a media darling!
The dope who strapped a pipe bomb to his crotch, and then blew (at least PART of) himself up was part of a for-real ‘war on Christmas’, among other things.
We can only hope that the hole in the front of his pants means his parenting days are behind him.
His family also sounds a little like Colin Kaepernick when they’re talking about law enforcement.
So when he tried to use Christmas lights as a trigger for his pipe bomb, there was a reason for it. He was triggered by Christmas.
But wait, there’s more. (There always is, isn’t there?)
His parents have since released a statement saying they are ‘outraged’ by the treatment of their family.
‘We are heartbroken by the violence that was targeted at our city today, and by the allegations being made against a member of our family,’ the family said in a statement read by Albert Fox Cahn, legal director for Council on American-Islamic Relations-New York.
‘But we are also outraged by the behavior of law enforcement officials who have held children as small as 4 years old out in the cold and who held a teenager out of high school classes to interrogate him without a lawyer, without his parents,’ the statement continued.
Oh my. Our deepest ‘apologies’. Any suspicion the family had raised in the past was — as we can now plainly see — totally unfounded. Right?
The taxi driver behind the failed terror attack in a New York City told investigators he meant to detonate his homemade pipe bomb in the busy subway station after seeing the walls festooned with Christmas posters – in revenge for violence against Muslims all over the world.
While initial reports suggested the crude pipe bomb, made from a pipe, a 9-volt battery, match heads, sugar, Christmas tree lights and screws, had detonated prematurely, suspect Akayed Ullah, 27, insisted he set off the bomb deliberately.
Source: DailyMail
Here comes the ‘boom’.
He was careful to insist that it wasn’t Al-Quaeda whose lead he is following, but ISIS.
Oh Really? How adorable. The terrorists have their own version of the ‘Cola Wars’. Maybe he was ashamed to be associated with Bin Laden’s crowd. After all, their ‘articles’ have some particularly embarrassing headlines.
Investigators say he watched ISIS videos and read extremist propaganda such as Al-Qaeda’s Inspire magazine, NBC News reported.
The magazine famously posted an article titled: ‘Make a bomb in the kitchen of your Mom.’
won’t mom be proud?
Yeah, I suppose I would want to distance myself from something like that, too. But then again, I’d also want to steer clear of a death cult.
So, what triggered this precious little princess?
The taxi driver behind the failed terror attack in a New York City told investigators he meant to detonate his homemade pipe bomb in the busy subway station after seeing the walls festooned with Christmas posters – in revenge for violence against Muslims all over the world.
Sure. That.
It wouldn’t have anything to do with the ReligionOfPeace in the capital of his homeland having scheduled (yet another) DayOfRage, would it?
Law enforcement sources who spoke to Ullah at the hospital say he confessed to plotting the attack in retribution for recent actions by Israelis against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, CNN reports. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo described Ullah as ‘disgruntled’.
And there it is. Israel. Trump. Rage Palestinians.
Or maybe it’s not Israel so much as the fact that he bought into an ideology fueled by rage and envy. A little like Antifa.
But we must remember, as his relatives reminded us in the most deeply ironic line in the whole article:
‘What he did has nothing to do with Islam, maybe he was brainwashed,’ Mohammed said
Maybe we should ask ISIS if they would consider themselves un-islamic?
What they ‘identify as’, and maybe even their ‘preferred pronouns’.
Liberals might not consider terrorists truly ‘Islamic’ but it sure isn’t a shared devotion to a soccer team that is driving these people to kill in the name of their beliefs.
ISIS. This radical terrorist organization is a virus… a worldwide plague. These a$$holes
are willing to kill their own women and children to annihilate who they call “infidels.”
Well, here’s a shirt that sums it perfectly. F**K ISIS.
And the best part? This shirt is made in the USA, printed in the USA, on an American-
Made t-shirt press!
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