British Authorities Try To Blame Steroids v. Islam In Westminster Bridge Terrorist Attack

Was the Westminster Bridge attack ‘jihad’ or a case of ‘roid rage’? Here’s what British authorities think…
Are you sick of the ‘authorities’ flinging their B.S. at you when the answer is quite obvious?
Don’t forget, the Brits called him ‘Asian’ which ClashDaily covered here:
HOMEGROWN: Westminster Attacker Named — And Surprise, He Isn’t ‘George’
Authorities say that we shouldn’t jump to conclusions about attacks and assume that they are caused by Islamic terrorists — especially when the perpetrator is Muslim. We should wait until all the facts are in. (Funny how Obama didn’t do that when it came to Police shootings as well as the death of Trayvon Martin.) When all the facts are in, however, the ‘authorities’ are quick to find any reason other than radical Islam as the motivation.
The latest disgusting example is the investigation into the Westminster Bridge attacker.
This sick b@stard drove his car into pedestrians along the Westminster Bridge. After he finished the ramming attack, he got out of his car, ran to Parliament Square, and stabbed an unarmed police officer before he was shot and killed. This evil, twisted @sshole killed 5 people and injured more than 50 others.
Masood was ‘known to police’. Before his conversion, Masood was a heavy cocaine user and was a convicted violent offender. According to the UK Independent, he had knife-related convictions dating back to 1983. Of course, the Independent says that he wasn’t a ‘proper Muslim’ because he hired prostitutes, used drugs, and had been in and out of jail for violent crimes as well as theft.
It is believed that Masood converted to Islam and was radicalized in 2005 during one of his stints in jail.
Masood was also a ‘peripheral figure’ in a 2010 MI5 investigation into a terrorist plot to bomb an Army Base in Luton. The other members were convicted, but authorities determined that Masood wasn’t a threat.
How wrong they were!
But now, authorities are trying to deflect from Masood’s Islamic ties. there’s a new scapegoat that they have found — Steroid use.
Westminster jihadi Khalid Masood took steroids before he mowed down four pedestrians and stabbed a police officer in the horrific terror attack.
Masood, 52, was shot dead by police after he drove a rental car into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge before fatally stabbing PC Keith Palmer, 48.
Masood, who was born in Kent, may have taken performance enhancing drugs hours before he launched the rampage on Westminster Bridge, a pre-hearing inquest at the Old Bailey was told.
Evidence of rage-inducing substances were found in a urine sample taken from Masood’s dead body after he killed PC Palmer and four pedestrians at 2.40pm on March 22.
So, the authorities are saying this might’ve been due to ‘roid rage’?
A submission by Jonathan Hough, QC, assisting the coroner, read: ‘A urine sample from Khalid Masood provided evidence of anabolic steroids having been taken in the hours or days prior to his death.
‘The sample analysis is attested to by a forensic toxicologist.
‘A more specialist pharmaceutical toxicologist has been instructed to prepare a report addressing how steroid use may have affected Khalid Masood.’
Source: Daily Mail
Authorities are looking further into this.
Is this a waste of time and resources?
Don’t we already know what the motivation was?
What do you think?
Was The Westminster Bridge Attack Islamic Terror Or 'Roid Rage'?
The Left’s constant apology for radical Islam is just ridiculous and it needs to end.
We need to be able to speak clearly about the threat that the entire world is facing.
To do otherwise is not only disingenuous, it’s dangerous.
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