Good Lawd! Hooters To Start Home Deliveries – But There’s A Catch

Hooters is making their food available to customers too embarrassed to go to the restaurants. Would you use their ‘Hooters at Home’ service?
Are the wings at Hooters so good that they’re worth the delivery fee?
Or is it more about the Hooters ‘experience’?
CEO Terry Marks is betting on the food over the experience.
Hooters is planning to expand delivery service in hopes of cashing in on customers who are too embarrassed to set foot in their restaurants, it was learned on Sunday.
The change was announced by the chain’s CEO, Terry Marks.
He told a conference in Orlando that Hooters will significantly expand its delivery service in 2018.
Hooters already offers delivery in just 96 of their 427 restaurants worldwide.
According to experts that analyze current restaurant trends, dine-in patronage is dropping and more people are opting to order in.
‘Many people wouldn’t step foot in our restaurants, but they want our product,’ Marks said.
He said that ‘delivery and pick-up orders is what we have been focusing on.’
Hooters has literally made a name for itself by boasting beautiful, busty waitresses in barely-there fitted uniforms.
In the era of #MeToo and the continuing evolution of the feminist view of women, it’s that very ‘experience’ — and those uniforms — that could cause damage to the Hooters brand.
‘Delivery [solves] the polarizing issue the brand has had,’ Marks said.
Hooters, of course, is a restaurant known less for its American comfort food and more for its scantily clad waitresses – a ‘breastaurant’.
With sexual harassment in the news, Hooters is particularly vulnerable given that societal attitudes about objectifying women are changing.
Although, the deliveries won’t be made by ‘Hooters Girls’.
Instead, the company will use third-party delivery services.
Watch the Fox & Friends report on Hooters delivery:
It now hopes that diners who stay home will be eager for the product, though the deliveries will not be made by ‘Hooter Girls.’
Over the past year, Hooters has seen its delivery business grow by more than 30 percent.
It has used third-party delivery services like UberEats, DoorDash, and Grubhub-Seamless.
Source: Daily Mail
As a bonus, the move may protect Hooters from the ultra-conservative Muslims protesting their restaurant and calling for the women to either wear the full body coverings or for the restaurants to be shut down.
Would You Order Home Delivery From Hooters?
What do you think of this move by Hooters?
Is it just diversifying and tapping into a growing
Let us know in the comments.
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