Liberal Do-Gooder, Chris Matthews, Runs An ‘Abusive’ Work Environment

The only question is: what took this story so long to become public?
Yet another leftist windbag has to take a break from attacking Trump to explain his own behavior. Chris Matthews is used to being in full attack mode. But now, he and his network are looking at damage control.
He’s the latest in a parade of holier-than-thou Leftists who were part of the unofficial ‘resistance’ among alleged journalists who might not outlast the guy he’s trying to oust.
Matt Lauer is gone. Charlie Rose is gone. Half of Hollywood won’t show their faces in public now. Even Lawrence O’Donnell wants someone to ‘stop the hammering‘.
It turns out NONE of these ‘good and compassionate’ liberals were either good OR compassionate. It was all an act, and a sham.
What. A. Surprise.
New reports are that not only has NBC paid a cash settlement to a female co-worker of Chris Matthews for his ‘inappropriate behavior‘ but his pattern of inappropriate behavior has continued long since then.
For context, this is the very same political hack who once opined that anyone critical of Susan Rice telling the world that an obscure video by an American filmmaker was the catalyst for the Benghazi attacks was ‘racist’ and ‘sexist’.
After panelist Simon Marks remarked conservatives were “looking for a piñata” to beat up, Mr. Matthews quipped: “Notice it’s always a female? Just a thought.”
Source: Washington Times
But of course he’s a hack — his wife is chair of the Maryland Democratic Party. Still, it’s a funny thing to hear from a guy busted on that hot mic drooling over our First Lady:
Matthews has raised eyebrows before, notably during the 2016 campaign when he was caught on a hot mic checking out Melania Trump, wife to President Trump.
“Did you see her walk? Runway walk. My God is that good,” Matthews said in May 2016. “I could watch that runway show,” he added.
Source: Washington Examiner
That’s just nasty.
But that wasn’t even the big story yet…
Will the guy who tried to paint Trump as ‘Hitlerian’ and mentally ‘unstable’ still be taken seriously after this revelation?
“Battered Wives Syndrome”
MSNBC Host Chris Matthews runs an at times openly derisive and brazenly sexist news operation that has led at least some staffers to describe themselves as victims of “battered wives syndrome,” according to three of his show’s guests and two former producers who spoke exclusively to The Daily Caller.
Two former NBC producers independently alleged Matthews would rate the looks of his female guests on a scale and said Matthews was so abusive that staff joked about being battered women. The interviews in total paint Matthews as a tyrant liable to fly off the handle at the slightest mistake, who was eager to objectify women and made inappropriate sexual comments appear to be a matter of course for someone in his position.
Source: DailyCaller
There are women who didn’t even want to be in the same room with him — even for makeup.
Women who worked with him describe him as being boorish in his speech, giving leering looks and being generally a miserable person to work with.
“Verbal Abuse”
In addition to the troubling behavior toward women, all five of the sources who spoke to TheDC about the workplace environment at “Hardball” described Matthews as verbally abusive. They claimed that Matthews’ outbursts went beyond normal or justifiable frustration, and former staffers apparently felt like they had to “walk on eggshells” around their “abusive” boss.
The two former producers independently referred to incidents involved screaming at staffers, throwing objects around, and generally demeaning guests and the people who worked for him.
“I would describe it as verbal abuse,” one former producer asserted, recalling their own experiences with Matthews. “The screaming is beyond the screaming you’ve ever heard. You just feel so under attack.”
“He did it so openly,” the producer continued. “It’s not just sexual harassment … what are you supposed to do when somebody is verbally abusing you and attacking you this way?”Hard-Left blog site DailyKos was chronicling Matthews’s sexism as far back as 2008, when he was still getting a ‘thrill up his leg’ over Obama.
Should MSNBC cut their losses, and put him out to pasture?
Should MSNBC cut their losses, and put him out to pasture?
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