Oprah for President? Time For a Reality Check

If Oprah runs for president we can pretty much guarantee she will win. Anything Oprah sells will win. I believe we live in a culture where too many follow and don’t think for themselves. Many lost touch with reality a long time ago. Oprah says “There are many ways to get to Heaven and we all will get there” and the crowd roars. Sounds great and if Oprah says it…. it just must be true. (Gag me!!)
Recently we see Donald Trump get criticized in the news for his waistline and people are getting nasty. We have witnessed Oprah’s weight yo-yo throughout the years and quite frankly I never picture her thin in my mind at all, yet the crowd roars when she endorses a weight loss product. Do any of you actually have a thin picture of Oprah in your head right now? I don’t. Is it just me? Am I missing something here?
A person with the wealth Oprah has acquired is rare. She truly knows how to brand herself and acquire wealth. No doubt she is an expert on that and if this is a way you see yourself becoming wealthy, learn how Oprah thinks. I think it would be interesting listening in on the marketing plans of the weight-loss product line she endorses. I imagine some conversations that go like this “We got Oprah now. We are gonna make a fortune! All she has to do is say it works and we are good to go. Many believe everything that comes out of her mouth!” Cha Ching!!
Yet … through the years… do any of us know if Oprah ever actually “duplicated herself”. Did she ever actually help create the next “Oprah”? We all know the answer is “no!” Heck she never even got skinny and stayed skinny! When will we learn? None of us will ever be Oprah. We all know the answer to these questions is “no”. Oprah is about Oprah!!
With the kind of money she makes, if weight loss and nutrition were important to her, she’d stay thin and look healthy. She has no excuses. She has both the time and money. She can hire a personal chef and nutritionist, import the healthiest and most nutritious food on the planet and eat it daily, hire a personal trainer and even hire someone to walk around with her and slap the cookie she is about to eat right out of her hand! The next person can hand her a “cookie alternative” that tastes magnificent! Don’t we know this?
Neither Donald Trump or Oprah care about their waistlines long term. This is obvious. Oprah is even more popular than Trump, she always was and probably will stay like that. She mesmerizes people. She can tell married people how to be married and people how to parent and she has never been married or has never been a parent!
This is simply a reality check column. Let America Think Again… Please.
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