Thank You Jesus: DOJ Reopens Investigation Into The Hildebeest’s Email Crimes – Here’s The 411

That smug grin is finally getting wiped off her face… ‘like with a cloth’. This is where we finally get to find out if ‘the rule of law’ truly applies to the rich and powerful.
After an investigation into Hillary’s server that even the LEFT say Comey botched, the DOJ has been made to take another look.
And Hillary might want to think twice before embarking on any ‘international travel’ because this is no mere ‘rehash of old news’.
For one thing, while new revelations concerning the emails and irregularities in the investigation ARE a big part of the story, that is not the only Clinton investigation being taken seriously again.
Clinton Foundation Investigation
More on the new wrinkles in her email troubles, and what prompted them in a moment. But if you know anyone who relies on the ‘big three’ networks or CNN for their news, would you have realized that the Clinton Foundation investigation was never closed?
That’s right, Mrs ‘Popular Vote’ Clinton was still under investigation for irregularities in the Clinton Foundation.
We’re interested to see what that turns up, seeing as one Saudi Prince claimed about funding 20% of her campaign?
She said she’d ‘stop taking funding‘ from foreign powers once she had her party’s nomination. But doesn’t that mean she was taking it while Secretary of State?
The money she took from ‘particular’ foreign players even got her the dubious nickname ‘Islam’s Whore‘.
Hillary took money from Saudi Prince Alwaleed. This puts her in the dubious position of having worse moral judgment than now-incarcerated Anthony Weiner. When Weiner heard the crazy-rich Prince (who has been linked to financing foreign terrorism, and has since been arrested himself) had given big gifts to Ivy-League universites, this was Weiner’s response:
The prince’s gifts have proved somewhat controversial. Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY) immediately called on the universities to return the donations: “August institutions like Harvard University and Georgetown University should not be accepting gifts from a family that bankrolls terrorist organizations.” In accepting the gifts, Harvard and Georgetown overcame the sense of propriety that then-Mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani expressed when he returned Alwaleed’s $10 million donation to help rebuild the Twin Towers after Sept. 11. Prince Alwaleed had intimated that America’s support of Israel led to the terrorist attacks. Such assertions, Giuliani contended, were “not only wrong” but “part of the problem.” Alwaleed didn’t take Giuliani’s statement at face value; “Jewish pressures,” he claimed, were the insidious forces behind the rejection of the gift.
Source: Campus Watch
Her BFF Alwaleed (who owned a huge chunk of Twitter)
Pay-For-Play Investigations
This part of the reason the scope of the DOJ investigation will include long-standing ‘pay-for-play’ allegations.
Fox News also has learned investigators are looking into whether the Clinton Foundation violated tax law. Accusers of “pay to play” have claimed the foundation promised favors in exchange for donations or pledges of cash or gifts.
The Hill, which broke the story Thursday evening, added that FBI agents have taken the lead in the investigation and have interviewed at least one witness in the last month.
… The witness said that agents inquired specifically about donations to Clinton entities and official government actions during Clinton’s leadership of the State Department under President Obama, according to the Hill.
Source: Fox News
FOIA Requests
Judicial Watch has been holding federal feet to the fire… doing the heavy lifting when the ‘big’ news companies had no interest in the stories.
Even as recently as November 2016, new classified emails were being ‘found’.
Judicial Watch: New Clinton Classified Emails Discovered
How would this even be possible after a ‘thorough and complete’ investigation of Hillary’s handling of Hillary’s email scandal?
Unless it wasn’t really all that thorough and complete.
Unless the fix was in from the beginning — which is what many have begun to suspect.
DOJ stonewalling Subpoenas
Despite the legal oversight Congress has over the DOJ, they have been slow to respond or to obey that oversight.
House investigators will get access this week to “all remaining investigative documents” – in unredacted form – that they had sought as part of their Russia inquiry, under a deal between Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., according to a letter obtained by Fox News.
The letter, from Nunes to Rosenstein, summarizes an “agreement” reached on a phone call Wednesday evening and also says key FBI and Justice Department witnesses in the probe will be provided for interviews later this month.
“It is my hope that this agreement will provide the Committee with all outstanding documents and witnesses necessary to complete its investigations,” Nunes wrote.
Source: FoxNews
When asking about the relationship between the FBI, ‘the Dossier’, and Hillary — Congress was not getting straight answers.
Objectivity of Original Investigation Compromised
Serious questions about the professionalism and objectivity of those involved in the investigations of both Hillary and Trump have been raised. Strzok perhaps the most prominent among them.
The Justice Department will give the House Intelligence Committee reams of documents and text messages related to the Trump-Russia collusion investigation, as well as allow interviews with key investigators, including Peter Strzok, who wrote disparaging emails about Trump to a colleague and suggested an “insurance policy” against a Trump victory.
Panel Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., wrote to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Thursday to outline the deal. Nunes has pursued the information for months and threatened a contempt of Congress charge against both Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray after they refused to turn over the information.
Source: Washington Examiner
Especially if Strzok was involved in these edits to Comey’s original memo concering the Hillary case.
What Changed?
Well, this did.
Comey’s original Clinton memo released, cites possible violations
Ex-FBI Director James Comey’s original statement closing out the probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server was edited by subordinates to remove five separate references to terms like “grossly negligent” and to delete mention of evidence supporting felony and misdemeanor violations, according to copies of the full document.
Comey also originally concluded that it was “reasonably likely” that Clinton’s nonsecure private server was accessed or hacked by hostile actors, though there was no evidence to prove it. But that passage was also changed to the much weaker “possible,” the memos show.
The full draft and edits were released on the website of Senate Homeland and Government Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), providing the most complete public accounting to date of Comey’s draft and the subsequent edits.
The draft, released in full for the first time on Thursday, offers new details on the FBI’s Clinton investigation and controversial conclusion.
But Hillary and the left will keep asking their favorite two questions:
1) What difference, at this point, does it make?
2) What Happened?
What happened? She’s finally been unmasked. Her past finally caught up to her.
Hillary just might be ‘The Beast’ from the Book of Revelation.
If you think so, have we got the shirt for you.
It has been estimated that one in 25 Americans is a sociopath. As described by Dr. Martha Stout in The Sociopath Next Door, a sociopath is a person who lacks a conscience and whose behavior is marked by deceitfulness, irritability, and lack of remorse or responsibility when causing harm to others. Can you say, ‘Hello Hillary!’ She fits that description to a ‘T’, eh? That’s why we renamed her, ‘The Hildebeest.’ Buy this shirt and warn others of her menacing presence. Make sure to wear it around relatives and associates who voted for her. Enjoy.
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Don’t be fooled by the title — this ain’t just for Grandpa.
The Snowflake Generation — and the rest of America — needs a good ol’ dose of ‘Grandpa wisdom’.
Especially if that Grandpa is Doug Giles.
You’ll love My Grandpa Is A Patriotic Badass just as much as Grandpa will.