TSA Descends On Cute Girl For Giving Her School’s Salute In Security Line – No, This Isn’t Satire

Maybe they could have Googled it? And they wonder why TSA gets such a bad rap?
You add police powers to a bureaucracy, and is anyone surprised it ends like this?
These are the people who make sure to pat down an 85-year-old grandmother in a wheelchair so that they don’t look like they’re racist.
And now? They think a Texas Tech School salute is a ‘Terrorist threat’.
Waiting on line for security, Durkin spotted a man in a Texas Tech hoodie, and reflexively threw up a finger gun, to which he gave an odd look. Moments after, a TSA agent led her out of line to question the gesture. Taking to Twitter in a panic to detail the incident, Durkin’s well-intentioned mishap soon went viral.
In the airport security line and I see someone wearing a Texas Tech hoodie and I look at them and do the gun hand signal because wreck em amiright
tsa is now pulling me aside to talk to me :((
— diana (@dianadurkin) January 6, 2018
Source: FoxNews
Great work guys.
This is who they held for questioning.
“‘What are you doing? You can’t do that in an airport,’” Durkin remembered the agent telling her, reports BuzzFeed. She added that the agent followed up by giving her a full screening and pat down, nearly sending Durkin to tears.
“Oh my gosh, they think I’m a terrorist… Oh my gosh I’m going to jail,” Durkin remembered thinking. “I’m just sitting there, almost in tears, like, ‘No, I’m just really dumb, I’m not a terrorist!’”
Durkin, however, said the TSA eventually let her off with just a warning, after she assured them she learned her lesson.
Durkin and her family have since decided to treat the incident as a funny story — even though Durkin admitted that the ordeal really had her “scared to death.”
Source: FoxNews
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