Valerie Jarrett: Was She America’s Real ‘First Female President’?

It’s not the first time this question has come up… but the more we learn about the Iran fiasco, the more sense it makes.
Valerie Jarrett was Obama’s closest advisor. Bar none. Even Left-leaning publications had something to say about the serious influence she brought to bear during the Obama Administration.
Investor’s Business Daily Called her ‘Obama’s Rasputin’, and pointed out that she had more manpower in her private security detail than our ambassadors in Benghazi had.
She took part in meetings with foreign dignitaries, took vacations with the Obamas, and even moved into their private Washington residence after he left office.
In 2012, the NYT called her ‘the Other Power in the West Wing’.
While Obama was touted as leading the talks with Iran in Geneva, Israeli sources called BS:
The paper described Jarrett — who was herself born in Shiraz, Iran, to American parents — as “a key figure in secret contacts the White House is conducting with the Iranian regime.”
The contacts, described by Yedioth as “secret negotiations,” have been going on for several months, the report said. They were initiated by Jarrett, and have been directed personally by her, the paper said, quoting its unnamed Israeli sources.
“Jarrett served as the personal and direct emissary of the president to secret meetings with the Iranians, which are understood to have taken place in one of the Gulf principalities, probably the Kingdom of Bahrain,” Yedioth quoted its sources as saying.
Source: Times Of Israel
In fact, Iran initially wanted nothing to do with the President.
This, combined with his desperation to normalize relations with Iran (He prioritized this Foreign Policy above, and even against other considerations, including Disrupting a Billion-dollar terror operation for whom we had ample names, dates and opportunity to seize and convict.
These operations got ‘stand down orders’ because — as it is reported — it would endanger his ever-so=precious Iran Deal.
Just like Obama was willing to cheer the ‘Arab Spring’ that led, for example, to Muslim Brotherhood taking control of Egypt, but was unable to similarly support the 2009 ‘green revolution’ against the brutal control of Mullahs in Iran.
The deal, as Trump would be quick to remind him, sucked. Badly.
We gave up a lot without it costing the other side anything at all. Worse yet, we front-loaded their ‘rewards’. So if the deal collapses, they still get the gains, without us getting anything back for them.
So there is no real incentive for them to cooperate.
The Obama administration hid the fact that the men it let off the hook as part of a prisoner swap with Iran had been accused of supplying sensitive military equipment and electronics that could help Tehran’s nuclear program, it was reported Monday.
Under the January 2016 deal, the US released seven prisoners and dropped its cases against 14 fugitives in exchange for Iran’s release of captive Americans, including Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian, Politico reported.
Source: NY Post
The leaders in Iran are ‘moderate’ we are told.
That idea doesn’t ‘fit the narrative’ of the body count during these protests, does it?
Not any more than it explains why this happened in Iran only two weeks before this past Christmas:
Two weeks before Christmas, Iranian security forces raided six houses the converts used as home churches, detained four and dragged them away. Milad Goudarzi, Amin Khaki, Alireza Nour-Mohammadi and Shehabuddin Shahi were engaged in a “Christian ceremony” prior to the arrest, according to Radio Farda, the Iranian branch of the US government-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty external broadcast service.
Source: Jersusalem Post
With Iran so central in the Foreign Policy of a man so famous for ‘leading from behind’ — and Valeri Jarrett having been born there — could Obama have unintentionally given America its defacto “first Female President?”
Was he ever TRULY at the helm in the White House?
Was Valerie Jarrett America's Defacto 'First Female POTUS'?
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