‘Worse Than Prison’: Flu Triggers Catastrophic Failure Of Single-Payer HealthCare

Hey Bernie Bros: this is the Flu. How would it cope with a more serious crisis?
Overcrowded hospitals give ‘helpful advice’ — don’t get sick!
It’s Flu season. So, just as you’d expect, more people are going to the hospital.
And this year, in the cat-and-mouse game of figuring out the right flu vaccine for the season, the flu came out on top. The vaccine isn’t particularly effective.
That is creating some serious logistical problems in those ‘free’ Government Health Centers.
Problems like patients sleeping ON THE FLOOR.
Patients are being forced to sleep on floors with people stepping over them at a busy hospital in West Yorkshire – as the NHS winter chaos gripping Britain continues to worsen.
Shocking images taken at Pinderfields Hospital in Wakefield show members of the public lying down in corridors.
In one photo a patient dressed only in a loose hospital gown lies next to a metal wheelchair. A second shows a man, attached to a drip, bedded down with his head resting on his rolled-up coat.
…The woman, who has asked not to be named, described conditions as worse than prison and stressed people were being forced to sleep on floors at the hospital regularly.
Source: DailyMail
How far over capacity were these hospitals?
Between Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve, some 22 hospital trusts reported they were full and operating at 100 per cent capacity.
Those trusts which announced they had no space on at least one day over the seven-day period are responsible for running 33 hospitals.
Occupancy levels should never exceed the 85 per cent safe level, as above this can have serious health risks, officials warn.
Source: DailyMail
What advice are hospitals giving the public in this crisis?
The typical, kind you’d expect a government to ‘help’ with.
Don’t Get sick.
Health officials yesterday came up with advice to help us cope with the winter NHS crisis – telling the public not to get ill.
Following an exceptionally busy week for the NHS, they urged people to ‘stay well’ this weekend amid fears freezing conditions could worsen the flu crisis.
Advice included stocking up on medicines, wrapping up warm and trying to nip early symptoms in the bud. Many A&E units have been severely overcrowded in recent days, with patients lying in corridors and ambulances queuing outside.
Source: DailyMail
Right. Because that’s how this works.
What? But Maggie and Tom had scheduled themselves for a bout of the Flu on Monday. Should they pencil it in for next Friday, instead?
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by Doug Giles
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