Dear Texans: Don’t You Just Love This Girl’s T-Shirt?

We know that y’all are just loving it! If not, what the heck is wrong with y’all?
It seems like the majority of Texans are blessed with an ability to cut through the crap and hit the real issues in a rational way and have been since… well, forever.
They’re badasses that believe in God, hard work, the right to bear arms, and personal responsibility.
God Bless Texas!
Don’t you wish that everyone in the U.S. was educated with basic Texan Common Sense?
They’d be much better educated than the students at Yale which has become more of a parody of what ‘education’ means.
The formerly well-respected Yale which was founded in 1701 has gone full progressive.
Never go full progressive.
Here’s why…
In just the last few years, Yale, a former institute of higher learning, has pushed ‘sensitivity’ to bestiality, received a $10M donation by a Saudi donor for an ‘Islamic Law school’ *cough*Sharia*cough*, ‘decolonized’ the English department so that English majors don’t need to study the great works by ‘white men’ like Chaucer and Shakespeare, and their latest attempt to eliminate racism is to provide a ‘counternarrative to whiteness.’
Ah, yes. That’ll surely combat racism by teaching that the entire concept of ‘whiteness’ is bigoted and should be destroyed.
And of course, there was this mess where students raged at a teacher over the concept of ‘cultural appropriation’ with regard to Halloween costumes.
Looks like the fundamental right of freedom of speech and expression is subject to these people’s hurt feelings.
Who knew!
Can you imagine that kind of crap going on in Texas?
Me neither.
You know why?
Because Texans are graduates of Yall University — proudly established in 1836.
Don’t worry — all y’all can stick it to Yale and wear this awesome Yall University shirt. #TexanPride