Mike Rowe’s Response To The Florida Shooting Will Not Please CNN

If you aren’t a fan of Mike Rowe — you will be after this.
The more we learned about the shooting in Parkland, the angrier we got.
And then we found out about multiple points of failure by the government itself.
Many of our readers have agreed with Doug Giles’s take on those particular failures:
We notice with a raised eyebrow that “government protection” that dropped the ball here, is part of the same government failsafe we are supposed to rely on if the gun grabbers ever achieved their dream of mass confiscation or buybacks.
But where so many others have turned the rhetoric up to eleven — including, in some cases, for political fundraising — Mike Rowe took a step back before weighing in. And even then, it was reluctantly, and after being asked his opinion.
But Mike Rowe took his time in answering.
As those who follow him would expect, his answer went deeper and addressed the wider issue of what we’re really dealing with.
Many aspects of what he has said have been echoed elsewhere, but few people tie his ideas together quite as powerfully as he has here.
The following is taken verbatim from his FB post.
[You will notice his messages have the warmth and tone of a letter written to a single person, than a speech to a ‘following’.]Off the Wall
“Dear Mike. Where have you been? Your words are needed…”
Susan Collins
Hi Susan
Sorry I’ve been so scarce. I guess I could blame a chaotic production schedule, but the truth is, I’ve been absent because I don’t know what to say in the wake of Florida.
Like most of you, I’m overwhelmed with pity for the victims and their families, but consumed with anger for the coward who chose to murder. Rage and sorrow are hard things to reconcile, and the more such things occur, the more apparent it becomes that there is nothing new to say. So forgive me Susan, if I repeat what I said after Vegas and San Bernardino.
Evil is real. As long as humans have walked the earth, people have chosen to do evil things. This is what happened in Florida. A nineteen-year old man chose to do an evil thing. He planned it. He executed it. He succeeded.
Should we endeavor to know why? Absolutely.
Should we discuss the impact of video games, accessible firearms, single-parents, no parents, powerful medications, social media, mental illness, bullying, or anything else we think might have encouraged him to choose evil over good? Without question.
But we should also stop confusing the influence of such things, with the root cause. Because nothing in this man’s past can possibly explain his decision to kill seventeen people. If you believe otherwise, ask yourself why millions of other people with a similar past, don’t make similar choices.
The past does not equal the future.
[Good. Evil. Personal Choices.
And then, Mike is bringing Perspective.]
This is the most comforting thing I can tell you, Susan. It’s also the most disconcerting. Because the facts are undeniable. People from horrible backgrounds often become the epitome of kindness. And people with every imaginable advantage, often go on to squander everything.
The past does not equal the future.
To the families of the victims I can only offer my sincerest condolences, along with my heartfelt wish that the man who killed their loved ones is removed from the planet with all due speed.
As for words, I can only repeat what others have said, and ask you to remember those who confronted evil with courage. People like Aaron Feis, the football coach who threw himself in front of the kids the killer was trying to murder.
Beyond that, I’m afraid I can offer nothing but my weekly attempt to prove that goodness also walks among us, just as surely as evil. In numbers far greater than our newsfeeds would lead us to believe.
Who you were, and where you are from does not define you.
It’s your character that defines you.
Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles
Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog, ClashDaily.com, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity. That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome. Buy Now:The Effeminization Of The American Male
This shirt is sure to liven up the party. It doesn’t have just ONE controversial statement, but TWO. With Jesus in the mix, it could nearly start a riot.
Which, if you’ve read the book, was pretty much what would happen when Jesus swept into town, anyway. But which part of the shirt will get people more heated?
Jesus kicking ass? Some people actually have a problem with that?
Set aside the fact that he’s returning as a conquering king:
Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron.
Even in his time here, he was hardly the hippie-dippie gentle Jesus that pacifists would paint him as. He told his followers to ‘buy a sword’.
He swaggered into the temple like he owned the place. Because He does.
He saw the contempt the merchants and swindlers had for the real significance of the house — and he started braiding a whip.
A WHIP! Then he started, literally, cleaning house.
And before the Fundamentalists get too pleased with themselves… do you know what his very FIRST miracle was?
Turning water into wine.
No, dear. Not ‘grape juice’. Are you kidding? What self-respecting wedding host would have fallen for Welches?. The steward of the feast called it ‘the good stuff’. As in the quality vintage.
Why? Because a wedding is to be celebrated, with wine.
Just how much did Jesus ‘approve’ or ‘disapprove’ of wine?
Let’s flip the question back on the teetotalers: do the words ‘drink this in remembrance of me’ ring any bells?
Now that we’ve answered THAT question… Cheers!
You can stir the pot in both women’s:
And men’s styles: