Watch: This Is The Rowdiest Homage To Billy Graham You’ll Ever See – You Won’t See This On TBN

Not your typical ‘precious moments’ take on the great man’s legacy. These guys want to honor him a whole other way.
If a man lives a life truly marked by greatness, shouldn’t the tribute to a life well-lived be something more inspiring than a golf clap?
Billy Graham Razed Hell — as in hit it with the force of a cannon, breached a fifty-foot hole in its perimeter defenses, and led survivors streaming out of it.
THAT was what the man lived for.
He deserves something better than stuffed shirts thee-ing and thou-ing about his honored memory.
He deserves a tribute that will stir the hearts of the hearers. To inspire others to find their spot in the body of Christ and breathe the same rarefied air of excellence as Graham built his life around.
And this is that tribute.
First off — being like him takes being genuinely stoked about loving Jesus. Not a patty-cake churchianity that will drive off all but the most enfeebled men, women and children. His personal faith cut right to the core of who he was. It informed, anchored and energized everything else about his life.
He’s got some badass quotes to live by.
In a world of fakes and followers, he knew exactly his place in the world, exactly what he needed to execute and he swung for the fences.
None of us are called to be him.
But we are called to be as faithful in playing our part as he was in his. Whatever that might look like.
Preaching. Running a business. Turning a wrench.
Being a husband and dad.
THAT is something we can all aspire to.
And if we do it right… each of us will be an absolute nightmare for the kingdom of darkness, in the process.
If you’d rather listen to the podcast than watch the video, you can catch it here.
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The Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles
Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog,, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity. That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome. Buy Now:The Effeminization Of The American Male
This shirt is sure to liven up the party. It doesn’t have just ONE controversial statement, but TWO. With Jesus in the mix, it could nearly start a riot.
Which, if you’ve read the book, was pretty much what would happen when Jesus swept into town, anyway. But which part of the shirt will get people more heated?
Jesus kicking ass? Some people actually have a problem with that?
Set aside the fact that he’s returning as a conquering king:
Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron.
Even in his time here, he was hardly the hippie-dippie gentle Jesus that pacifists would paint him as. He told his followers to ‘buy a sword’.
He swaggered into the temple like he owned the place. Because He does.
He saw the contempt the merchants and swindlers had for the real significance of the house — and he started braiding a whip.
A WHIP! Then he started, literally, cleaning house.
And before the Fundamentalists get too pleased with themselves… do you know what his very FIRST miracle was?
Turning water into wine.
No, dear. Not ‘grape juice’. Are you kidding? What self-respecting wedding host would have fallen for Welches?. The steward of the feast called it ‘the good stuff’. As in the quality vintage.
Why? Because a wedding is to be celebrated, with wine.
Just how much did Jesus ‘approve’ or ‘disapprove’ of wine?
Let’s flip the question back on the teetotalers: do the words ‘drink this in remembrance of me’ ring any bells?
Now that we’ve answered THAT question… Cheers!
You can stir the pot in both women’s:
And men’s styles: