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News Clash

Nasty Woman: Councilwoman Unloads On Teenage Girl Wearing MAGA Shirt … Faces Instant Karma

Did she really think she could get away with bullying a kid?

Tell us another yarn about how their side is full of the ‘tolerant’ ones.

A group of young teenage girls was literally minding their own business. They were lined up to buy some cookies when they started getting harassed by an elected official.

An elected official and Moms Demand Action member in the Houston metropolitan area was charged with a misdemeanor Wednesday for allegedly berating a young teenage girl wearing a Trump T-shirt.

The Harris County Precinct 1 Constable’s Office told Fox News that West University Place Councilwoman Kellye Burke was issued a citation for disorderly conduct Wednesday, which is punishable by fine.

“They were scared,” the father of one of the girls told the local news. “They were absolutely scared. My little girl essentially wanted to know if this woman was going to hurt her.”

Burke allegedly screamed, “Grab ‘em by the p—- girls!” at the group of four teenagers waiting in line to get cookies for younger kids at their church Saturday night, KPRC reported.

The father told the local news that when the girls tried to ignore her, she yelled the obscenity again, and then Burke started yelling, “MAGA! MAGA! MAGA!” as she shook her fist at them.

She allegedly took a photo of the girl wearing a “Trump: Make America Great Again” T-shirt before leaving.

The girls never responded, but it left them shaken.
Source: Fox

Maybe that’s what they mean by bragging they are ‘nasty’ women.

The Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles

Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog,, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity. That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome. Buy Now:The Effeminization Of The American Male

One thing that increasingly unites men and women? We can both agree that Liberals are losing their ever-loving minds. Now there’s a shirt that says just that.

Conveniently available in Both Ladies…

AND Men’s versions.

Either Liberals just don’t get it, or they are sick in the head. Probably both. Think about it: They want to have all of the blessings that come with living in a capitalist society such as modern medicine and technology. But they believe in socialism, which stifles innovation and progress.

They want to be protected by the police and the military, but they attack and criticize the men and women who protect us. They call conservatives “racists,” but it’s their own identity politics that have created race problems in the first place. After all, Democrats were the party of slavery!

They attack hunters, but have no problem wearing leather shoes or owning cars with leather upholstery! And of course, they believe guns kill people. Not the people that pull the trigger.

Well, here’s a shirt that sums it perfectly. Liberalism is a… MENTAL DISORDER.

And the best part? This shirt is made in the USA, printed in the USA, on an American-Made t-shirt press!

Ladies, get yours here.

Bros, click here, instead.