Cowards Of Broward: Did Deputy Peterson Protect Sheriff’s Son From Sex Charges?

Four years to the day before the famous shooting, there was another event that directly involved Peterson and Israel at the very same location.
The claim involves a bullying incident. One in which a fourteen-year-old boy was groped and otherwise humiliated by larger, older kids.
The father of ‘Iron Man’ (a nickname given to one survivor of the shooting) is calling for the State to investigate the incident concerning an unnamed young man.
The sheriff’s son and another boy received a three-day suspension as a result of the 2014 incident in what the police report described as a simple battery. Borges said that the prior case involved a “young man who was sexually assaulted.”
Peterson investigated the case. Borges, though, contends that the deputy did not push the case far enough.
“This incident never got past (Peterson),” wrote Borges in his statement. “(Peterson) wrote this up as a simple battery and stated that this did not have to be reported according to the discipline matrix. Allowing the deputy to reduce a sexual assault to simple battery was disgusting and should have never been permitted. Maybe if deputy Peterson would have been made to answer for this he may have been replaced by a more competent deputy but it was not done and the two individuals were charged with a simple battery.”
Source: Patch
He asks the point-blank question:
“Now I ask you: If this wouldn’t have been the sheriff’s son, would a sexual assault have been reduced to a simple battery? Was deputy Peterson allowed to retire with his pension because he protected Sheriff Israel’s son from having a felony arrest,” Borges asked. “These are the questions that I and I’m sure many people from this county want answered.”
According to a copy of a redacted police report provided by Borges’ attorney, the incident involving the sheriff’s son took place after baseball practice near the entrance to a ballfield. Israel’s son was accused of holding the ankles of a fellow student while another teenager grabbed the boy’s groin area with his hand before pushing a baseball bat against the fully-clothed boy’s buttocks.
Source: Patch</a
And that was a helluva pension, too!
We’re not supposed to tolerate bullies, right?
Not even if they hide behind their daddy’s badge?
Don’t expect to read about this on CNN… they still love Sheriff Israel for being a useful idiot at the Townhall that kicked off the latest gun-grabber movement.
Do you want an investigation into this?
CNN — all the news that’s fit to flush.
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